Lights out in 2080?

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Lights Out in 2080?

There are many ways the human race can fall into extinction: there could be a fourth world war, a meteor could strike the planet, a virus could wipe us out… And yet there is still one way that nobody thinks of and could possibly be just around the corner.

Global Warming.

Humans constantly emit gasses into the air that, if continued in this fashion, could change the average temperature of the entire planet by a full two degrees. Mark Lynas, author of “Six degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet,” states that this temperature difference might seem small but the overall effect would be the end of the human race (Age of Stupid).

The conversion from fossil fuels and coal to renewable energy is the solution to this ongoing problem. It is essential that U.S citizens begin using types of renewable energy as an alternative to our rapidly diminishing fossil fuels.

As extreme as this proposal is, the consequences will ride out as time goes on. BBC reports state that these non-renewable sources will not last much longer. Fossil fuels have 50 years left and natural gasses are only expected to last another 20 years beyond that.

Turkey, a country which now has the potential of becoming fully dependent on renewable energy, is now able to produce about 560TWh per year. This incredible feat should set an example for countries all over the world. If the U.S can strive for this goal renewable energy production could be a booming success.

Although the full dependency on renewable energy would be a ginormous transition for the U.S, it will lead to several wonderful outcomes. Buying gas, for example, cost about $109 per month per individual in 2011 according to chief economist, Mark Doms of the U.S Department of Commerce. Can you imagine how much cheaper your cars will be by converting over to solar cars?

And the benefits go on and on.

Wars over oil in foreign countries would no longer be as much of a priority. This would allow soldiers could come home and spend time with their worried families. The economy, which at first would take a drastic blow, would be replenished by the new companies that produce generators and other products for renewable energy. Even other companies that convert from fossil fuels and coal to renewable energy will have increased profit since the cost for energy and maintenance will effectively diminish.

The most obvious impact would be on the environment. No longer will there be major controversy over global warming. The greenhouse gasses emitted into the air will lessen; therefore giving the heat built up underneath the ozone layer a chance to escape. The greenhouse effect will not be a problem on Earth and a danger to its inhabitants.

One way to start off this energy revolution has already been devised. A climate change solution has been submitted to the U.N. proposing the idea of the Global Cap. This idea suggests that based on the energy consumption today per country, each country will slowly decrease or increase its energy consumption until each nation consumes the same amount of energy per person. Once this goal is reached all the countries will slowly wean off of exhaustible energy by approximately 2065.

It is a known fact that Americans consume one of the highest amounts of energy in the world and that fact definitely needs to be changed. As a country, we need to stand up, take the future of the nation into our own hands and mold it back into a place where every person sees a new opportunity. A place where not one citizen has to worry about their extremely expensive electricity bill and if global warming will begin to affect their children twenty years from now. We, the citizens of the United States, need to create a place that will lead the human race on the path to a greener society and a greener living.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2012 ⏰

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