What's on my Mind

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There is this boy he has brown hair I was I really don't know the color of but I'll just say their blue. He's two years older than me goes to an all boys school and plays baseball. From what I noticed he also likes other sports like football. I'm the girl with brown hair, blue eyes, little shorter than him and I'm also that girl that has a crush on him for six years. Yes I know that's crazy but it was almost like love at first sight. I've only really had one full conversation with him but that was for a school project and I did was ask him four different questions. I wish he knew I liked him I mean that be cool if he did.

Basically everyone who knows me knows that I have this major crush on him. I'm pretty sure even his mom knows. My friends always said that they will talk to him for me but yet that has not happened. And I pray that it doesn't.

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