Maybe Its Not A Bad Thing

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Saturday morning..Possibly the most important day of that year. I would find out what Crys knows and if he knows about me being..bisexual. Jeez I got shivers just saying it.

The stupid twat is a genius I'm sure he knows something. Why is he so attractive and intelligent. Today I'd be alone with him at the mall,and although it was public we would still be together,alone,nobody there to bother us. If I needed to I'd suck up to him as much as I can to find out what he knows. I'd bring out that cute flirty side I hardly ever showed, and he would love it.

That smexy grin of his needs to just stop please. Or don't,I'll be happy with it either way.
I woke up to a bunch of new texts messages,the first I checked was from Andrew.

'Hey are you alright dude,you've been avoiding everyone?' I just sighed and didn't text him back. I would later.
The next,from Leigh.

'You been OK? Listen I know you don't believe me but its the truth,you like guys and most likely always have. We're you're friends and we won't give a crap who you are because we love you. Just take some time to relax. C:'

Ugh why did Leigh have to always have the nicest advice. Anyways, of course the final message was from Rachel.

'Im feeling better! How was school? Did I miss anything o.o??'
Okay how was she going to handle this? I can't just not tell her,cause I'm sure the news will spread like crazy. This was my possible outcome :

A) She would be totally okay with it and accept me
B) She would accuse me of cheating and liking Crys,which I did

I just feel like I can relate to Crys more. He's just so respecting and calm,and always so positive. Being around him can make even the darkest and gloomiest person happy. He's trying to sabotage me or something.
The whole day I just went about my business,listening to some music and thinking. I got online and checked a few websites I was usually on,looking up some more things. I even watched a few 'coming out' videos which almost brought me to tears. Why am I just now realizing this about myself.

Me and Crys agreed to meet at the mall around 6pm. Not to early or to late. So I went to my wardrobe and got out some clean dark blue skinny jeans and a light blue Mayday Parade shirt. I had taken a shower last night before I went to bed,so I felt nice and clean and pretty good actually.
After slipping out of my pajamas I got dressed and put on a few bracelets.
By the time I was done getting dressed and brushing my hair it was about 5:00 so I flopped back onto my bed. I just laid there for awhile,thinking and daydreaming. About Crys of course. I planned out what I would say if he asked certain questions, and a few things I would ask him.
I guess I dozed off for awhile cause my mom knocked on my door then quietly opened it.
"Bry,are you still going out with you're friend tonight?" She whispered.
My eyes opened and I mumbled out an "Mmhm.." Before rubbing my eyes.
"Alright,we'll I'm gonna go get in the car. It's 5:45 now so we should get going."
I nodded and when she left I sat up and took one last look in the mirror. A smile crept onto my face as I slowly stood up and walked out of my room and down the stairs.

I slipped on my black and white checkered Vans and opened the door,running outside to the car. After getting into the passengers seat I buckled my seatbelt.
"So dear,who did you say you're hanging out with again?" She asked.
"Crys,a boy from my school. He's new."
"That's a nice thing to become friends with him." She said as she started to drive,and luckily the mall was only about five minutes away.
"Yah..he's really nice and funny so we get along pretty well I guess." I said.
When she finally pulled up infront of the mall,I smiled widely and glanced at her for a moment. "Thank you for driving me."
"No problem! Just don't forget you're phone and be careful! Ill pick you up at 9."
"Okay,cya." I said as I got out of the car and closed the door.

As I walked toward the mall Crys was standing near the front doors. I honestly wouldn't have noticed him if he didn't come walking toward me.
"Hey there,how's it goin?" He asked with a smile,and I gazed up at him.
"Good,and you?"
"I'm okay,now lets get inside its pretty chilly." He said and gestured toward the door. We walked inside and the mall was as lively as usual,teens walking with friends and people chattering about.
"So..I'm really glad you wanted to come with me." He said,looking over at me as we started walking. "I'm glad you asked.." I said with a soft pink blush spreading onto my cheeks.
"I am to. So you seem very quiet most of the time,what do you do with you're free time." He asked,his green eyes looking around and scanning everywhere. I could tell we was a very curious person.

"Well mostly I draw. But I also like to listen to music and watch a lot of Youtube. And sometimes I just like to go outside and walk in the woods."

"That's so cool. You seem like you're fun." He chuckled lightly,but sweetly.
"Yah,and you? What do you do?" I asked.
"Hmm..well I do alot of writing and poetry. I also love the Internet,and I love shopping online." He said.
"Oh my gosh I love shopping online! It's so much easier then buying stuff in the store!" I exclaimed,turning toward him and laughing.
He laughed along with me and nodded. "I know!"

So we walked around the whole mall,talking and laughing. We looked in window displays of stores and went in stores to look around. Almost like a couple. I laughed at all his jokes and stories he told me. I learned alot about him. Like he is an only child and his parents own another house which he will move into when he's older. He wants to be a therapist when he's older but also an author as a hobby. And his favorite candy flavor is grape.
Wow he was fascinating.
"So,have you ever dated a guy before?" He asked as we stopped for a moment,looking down at the people on the bottom floor.
When he asked the question I froze a bit and got all tense.
"N-No! I don't like guys.." I mumbled and looked down at the ground.
"Wait are you serious?" He asked,giving me a puzzled look. "I know you're dating Rachel but you're not into guys? Then how come whenever I'm around you're extremely nervous and blushing. It may not seem like It to you but I know you like guys."
After saying that he turned me around and held me close against his chest.
I couldn't resist snuggling into him and gently feeling the muscles on his chest. I felt so protected,so wanted,so..right.
"I guess you're just the first guy I've ever fell for..and I guess that's what made me realize who I've always been." I said quietly.
"Well I'm gay if you haven't known..and it's completely aright if you like guys. Nobody has the right to judge you. And I for sure never will..." He said and wrapped his arms around me,giving me a tight hug.

Although we where in public I didn't care because this all felt so right. I've never felt so passionate about anyone,and nobody has ever made me feel as protected. I think I loved him honestly and I know I wanted to be with him. But what know who.

"I usually don't love anyone the first week I meet them,but I love you Brynn." He said quietly enough for just me to hear.
Wait whaaa. My eyes widened and I felt a blush heating my cheeks.
I wasn't sure if I should respond,how could I? I just stood there snuggled into him,my arms wrapped around his sides tightly and I could feel he was touching my hair.

This all just happened,in what seemed like a mere 30 seconds.

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