Part One

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            "A terrible, terrible thing has happened

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"A terrible, terrible thing has happened."

That was what Clarence cried to the doctors at the hospital where he brought his Time Lady friend, Mandy.

The Loki mask.

The mask that turned Mandy into that green-faced monster Clarence feared.

She still had it – hiding it the whole time.

It had started with a gang war Mandy and Clarence happened on while taking a slight detour in their travels. Mandy figured she could do some good and stop the warring gangs, using the Loki mask.

Then the explosion ensued...and Mandy was caught in its path.

She tried to put on the mask as it occurred, only managing to get the accursed thing grafted to her face and scorched into uselessness.

The doctors in the dimension where these events took place were successful in removing the charred mask from Mandy's face; but the extensiveness of the injury left her without a face, much to the horror of Clarence. She had to be placed on life support.

He spent days of waiting bedside for her to eventually wake out of her coma.

The uncertainty of whether or not he would ever return home crept on him. Thoughts of never seeing Jeff or Sumo again brought tears to his eyes more than the thought of Mandy never recovering.

One day, while drowning out his sorrows over some pudding he got from the cafeteria, he heard commotion from the hallway.

Wandering out of Mandy's room, he found a group of doctors carting in a hideously burned victim into the emergency room. "Wow," he muttered. "I wonder what happened to that guy."

Sometime later, he strolled into a room where the doctors treated the burn victim, bandaging him from head to toe.

He looks like a cool mummy, Clarence thought with great interest.

Clarence heard the doctors spout a bunch of medical terminology he hardly comprehended – stuff that they did to the man to keep him from feeling any pain, which in turn gave him enhanced strength from adrenaline overload.

            Clarence heard the doctors spout a bunch of medical terminology he hardly comprehended – stuff that they did to the man to keep him from feeling any pain, which in turn gave him enhanced strength from adrenaline overload

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