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Below are signs to tell what may happen. These have been passed down for generations.

1. If a baby does not fall out of bed by the time its a year old, its a sign it will die.

2. If dogs begin to howl because of a passing ambulance, its a sign that the person there going to is dead or going to die.

3. A dog howling in the middle of the night, is a sign that someone close by is going to die.

4. A bird flying into your house means someone in your family is going to die. To break the curse, make the bird fly back out the same way it came in.

5. Count the morning fogs in August, thats how many winter snows you will receive.

6. If no snow falls in the winter, crops will plunder in the summer and trees wont bare good fruit.

7. On a full moon or the dark of the moon, do not plant potatoes. Planted on a full moon, they will grow closer to the top of the soil and be sun burnt. Planted on the dark of the moon, there roots will grow deep and be hard to dig up.

8. If March comes in with bad weather it will go out with nice weather or vice versa.

9. If a groundhog sees its shadow on groundhogs day, the there will be six more weeks of winter. (This one is obvious, look at the calendar on groundhogs day and count how many more weeks till the first day of summer. Its six regardless lol)

10. During the summer months if crops, fruit, and etc. grow really good, look out for a bad winter.

11. A red ring around the moon is a sign of trouble.

12. A white ring around the moon is a sign of bad weather coming.

13. A hen (female chicken) crows means death. To break the curse, immediately ring her neck.

14. If smoke from a chimney floats down to the ground, its a sign of bad weather coming.

15. If you hear bells ringing in your ears, its a sign of death. (death bells)

16. Before winter, find a persimmon in half. If the inside shows a spoon its a sign you will be shoveling lots of snow that winter.

17. Pregnant women Lay flat on your back. Take a necklace and put a wedding band or some another ring on the necklace. Hold it above your stomach and and steady the necklace. Hold really still. If the ring begins to go in circles, its a sign your baby will be a girl. If the ring swings back and forth, its a sign your baby will be a boy. (Lol I actually tried this one. It said I was having a girl. And I did.)

18. If you can see the new moon through the clouds, its a sign someone in your family is going to get sick.

19. If your sitting on your porch and hear a redbird singing then its a sign company is coming.

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