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Chad's POV

My alarm goes off, 6:30 sharp. My routine takes over, but not before I leave Mindy a note telling her I'm proud of her.

By the time I get to the office, my first appointment is in five minutes. I walk quickly through the front doors, stop by the break room to drop off my bag and hoodie, enter the exam room-patient's already seated, Ty's nearby-flick through their file, and begin the procedure after a brief introduction.

Hours later, it's my second-to-last appointment. I finish up, grab the next file, and glance down at the name. I stop dead in my tracks in the middle of the hallway.

Dameon Reese.

You've got to be kidding me.

Dameon, Mindy's father-my father-has been in prison for the past eight years charged with multiple cases of assault, four DUIs, and resisting arrest.

Why is he in my practice?

I take a breath to steady myself before crossing the threshold.

"Dameon Reese,"

He rises and strides over, a joyful expression on his face. "Chad!" he hugs me.

I stiffen. I did not see that coming.

"Hello, sir,"

He looks almost . . . disappointed. "Sir? I'd prefer it if you'd address me as 'Dad',"

My eyes narrow and I give him a baleful look. "And I'd prefer it if you'd address me as 'Dr. Reese',"

His face falls and he looks down, following me back silently. In the chair, he gets chatty again.

"So how's Mindy doing?"

I busy myself gathering supplies, avoiding looking at his face. If I spend too long staring at his ugly mug, I might slap him. "I don't know that's really your business, sir."

He looks at his hands again, which is weirdly like what Mindy does when she's nervous. But then his eyes light up. "I'm getting custody of her, you know."

I stop and stare, cursing myself for being right. I do want to slap him. "Pardon?"

"I'm getting custody of Mindy,"

Oooh, I want to hit him. I take a deep breath...and let it out.

Must remain professional.

Must remain professional.

"I don't believe that's legal, sir. The judge thought you unfit to have custody of anyone, especially my sister."

He gives a hissing laugh. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say legal custody? My mistake."

All the air leaves my lungs.

Black spots cloud my vision, a choking sound comes from my throat. I cough once and inhale, then do the only thing logical:

"Get out of my practice."

He looks indifferent.

"Leave now, before I call the police."

He shrugs. "All right. But make sure Mindy's home."

Then he's gone.

My muscles stay frozen for several moments before I yell for Ty and reach for my phone. My phone is not in my pocket. It's in my bag in the break room.

I swear loudly before bolting to the break room. Phone in my hand, I dial Mindy's number, hands shaking.

One ring . . . two . . . three . . . four.

My Brother Dr. ReeseWhere stories live. Discover now