Terrible Things - Pt. 1

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"ALAN NO STOP IT DON'T GO THERE ALRIGHT CAN WE NOT" Austin had practically flung himself from where he was next to alex, to now on top of Alan, fighting like children to get his hand over his mouth. Alan was not having it though and somehow managed to get himself out from under The dark haired boy.

"you're just mad about what happened after with my mom, okay wow, calm yourself. Take a pill Aus." Alan just got up and sat on Austin's back, basically squishing him into the carpeted flooring. Alan wasn't the lightest but he didn't look very heavy either, anyone of his friends would argue that though just to bother him.

"NO. CAN YOU FUCKING NOT? THAT SHIT WAS YOUR FAULT OKAY GOD." his face was turning pink and everyone was just staring at the two like they'd gone mad. Tino and phill exchanged knowing glances and shook their heads as alan kept talking over Austin's yelling "DAMNIT GET OFF ME ALAN."

"so, yeah, alex is the only one who hasn't gotten down with lil' miss Mary J here." Alan motioned to the blunt as he took it from Bert.

"actually Alan you can't say that, remember Mary from elementary school? yeah. I totally kissed her under the slides." Alex sounded so proud of himself and all he got in return from everyone were puzzled glances until he explained "her middle name is Jane you guys..."

"Alex that was terrible, and you should feel bad about saying it because we can never unhear it. Yeah?" oli was just kind of over his stupid jokes, it was bearable when jack was with them because he occupied Alex, he kept him busy. But without him here Alex was kind of an annoying little shit that oli, more or less, wanted to pounce on and force to silence. If you understood what he meant when he said that.

"you're just mad because you're a stoner, and you can be, I'm fucking hilarious oli pop."


It was close to 2 in the morning now and everyone was asleep in their own respective claims of space around the house. Almost everyone that is. Austin was wide awake and Alan was sound asleep on top of him, they were in Alan's bed, and the only source of light in the room was from the pale moonlight that shone through the window. It was as if it were sewn onto Alan though, the way the light was hitting him made him seem almost luminescent. He looked so peaceful lying there against Austin, his mop of ginger hair threatening to smother the latter, not that he cared.

Austin was going through his iPod, skipping through every song because, let's face it, he did't want to listen to any of them right now. He stopped at a song by his favorite band, Of Mice & Men, it was This Ones For you. He had to admit, the similarities between him and the front man of the band were uncanny, but he was covered in tattoos and lets see, he wasn't gay. The song rang through his ears and his gaze drifted back to the glowing boy on top of him. Alan's face was twisting into something that Austin couldn't identify, and he was whimpering. He was having a nightmare.

Austin hummed along with the song in a soothing way, gently stoking Alan's hair to calm him down. It helped a little but it wasn't really doing the trick, "shhhh, shh it's okay kitten, shh" he pressed a kiss to Alan's forehead and cooed at him until he stopped and his face was no longer contorted. Sighing, he turned his iPod off and stared up at the ceiling with a frown on his lips.

It was never going to be different. Alan was just, well, Alan. He wasn't going to change; there would be more restless nights for Austin where he soothed the younger boy, and held him close. But it would never be more, and Austin wouldn't let it become anything less. He couldn't exactly make Alan do what he wanted, even if Alan was able to do it to him. Austin was Alan's play thing and he knew it. Both of them knew it. Austin just didn't seem to care. Well, it wasn't that he didn't care, it's that he didn't mind. He didn't mind being used like this, because Alan was Alan, and he would let him do anything he pleased, anything.

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