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Soul let out a loud yawn. "Tired?" Asked Leray, Soul nodded.

"Then go get some sleep." Kai said, Soul just shrugged and left.


A few moments later a small black cat appeared. The kitten walked over to the group on the couch and jumped up on Destiny's lap. The odd part about the cat was that it had purple and red streaks in its fur. It walked over and laid down on Kai's lap. It then purred softly. "Who's cat?" Kai asked,

"Sure it's not yours?" Caroline laughed,

"Positive." He replied, the kitten opened up its eyes. It had huge bright pink eyes.

"I've seen those eyes before! That's Soul!" Zane said,

"What? No way! This isn't Soul. She told us that she can't shape shift." Jay said,

"But what if she doesn't know she can." Leray said in thought.

"What do you mean?" Destiny asked,

"What if..." Leray trailed off, she got up and walked to the bedroom. The others followed. The room was empty!

"Where's Soul?" Shadow asked,

"I think she's sleep shifting!" Leray said pointing to the kitten on Kai's head.

"Sleep shifting?" Cole asked,

"Yeah! When she falls asleep she turns into a cat but when she wakes up she has no recollection of it or at the very lest just waves it off as a silly dream." Leray explained,

"Coooooool!" Kelzpoo said happily.

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