Aka The Person You Kicked In The Jewels

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Never in my life have I been so frustrated, not even at the parts of my parents talking about the treatment plans. But... but this male human, frustrates me so badly! He just doesn't know what go away means. You'll understand soon.
"Yeah! So why are you here? It's off limits to students." Stranger replies back. Annoyed that he answered me with my own question, I get up from my seat and start walking to the door. Stranger looks surprised at my actions, probably wondering why I got up. I stop right before him, arms length apart from each other, and look at him with an annoyed face. "Move" Stranger stares at me, then starts laughing. Getting more annoyed, I say it again with more force. "MOVE."
He stops laughing at me. "That's not how you ask someone to move. Most people who have manners say please move. Not move." Seriously more annoyed and frustrated, I give him a look. "Well I'm not most people, so move before I hit you where it hurts." I start pursuing my main objective and try to get out the door. Before I could stranger move his arm so that his elbow is touching the side of the door and his arm is hanging in a sort of strait position.
"Say please!" He says in a cheerful tone. "No. Move." He doesn't move but instead stays in the same position and smiles at me. "Move." I tried again. He's still the same. Sighing and telling myself that he asked for it, hit him where it hurts. Stranger falls to the ground in a heartbeat grabbing his family jewels and crying in agony. Annoyed that he fell in the way of the entrance, I leap over him and start walking. Not looking back or stopping I spoke to him some wise words. "Should have moved the first time I told you to, you wouldn't be in that position if you did." And off I went to wherever I was needed to be.
Thinking that I should go home and sleep, I start heading to the schools entrance but stop. If I go home my parents will be there and if they're there they would ask me questions on why I'm back home like 'why am I back home?' 'did I get sick or something?' 'did something happen?' Those kinds of questions. So, crossing home out of my options I go with my second option, class. I already missed my first class, which was health, so I had to goto my second class, music. 'Irony' I thought as I was making my way, definitely irony.
Heading in to the class, but stopping at the door, I wait patiently for the teacher to notice me. Taking two minutes to notice me, due to writing notes on the board, she notices me along with the other students in the class. Surprised, she speaks to me. "Is that Talia Goleen I'm looking at?" Cheering up a little bit at seeing my favorite person and teacher, I smile. "The one and only Mrs. Maryen!" Mrs. Maryen heads toward me, opening her arms in the process. "Well come over here darling and give me a hug!" I head towards her ignoring all the stares we were getting and spread my arms open, preparing for the hug that she gives me every time she sees me.
Reaching for both of our goals, we embrace each other. Letting go she asks me a question. "If you don't mind me asking dear, but what are you doing here?" Ouch, that hurt. "Ha ha what do you mean what am I doing here, I have you as this class." Knowingly she starts asking me another question. "I know but I mean what are you doing here with the whole can-" I cut her off before she could finish that sentence let alone that word. "Well! Show me my desk!" She looks at me with sadness which ticks me off a little bit, but her expression didn't last as she turns around excitedly. "Let me see, let me see." She looks around the class for an empty desk. "Oh! How about right there next to ji-" once again she was cut off but not by me, by a male voice. "She can sit next to me Mrs. M!"
Mrs. Maryen and I look over to the spot where the voice came from, our expressions was both different when we say who spoke. Annoyance came over me in a flash, it was that damn annoying male that I kicked in the hurt spot. Happy that he offered Mrs. Maryen smiles. "How kind of you Apollo!" I snicker as she says the annoying males name. Mrs. Maryen turns back to me and points at the desk next to him. "Go sit in the desk next to Apollo. Luckily for you, your desk is right next to the windows." She turns and heads for the board picking up her whiteboard marker.
I sigh and head to the seat next to annoying boy, sitting down Mrs. Maryen speaks to me. "Oh, and don't worry dear, you don't have to write anything down. Though I'm pretty sure you already knew that." She turns back to the board and starts writing again. I look out the window as the whispers started to be heard, talking about how I must be really special to not have to write anything down. Annoying boy or Apollo if you want to call him by his real name, turns and speaks to me. "So, your name is Talia Goleen? Unique." I ignore him. He tries again. "I'm Apollo Mirk. Aka the person you kicked in the family jewels." I ignored him again, making him stop trying to talk to me.

Hai hai, I updated once again. Hope you liked it, literally took me two hours to do. So are you happy you found out strangers name??!! Ya? Well good! Leave a like and comment. Don't say mean thing! That's not nice. Until next time! Byeeeeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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