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All Taylor could think was how Andrea's lips were soft and sweet. Her hands went to the girl's back as the latter moved so she was straddling her, her nails scratching lightly on her scalp.

She had hoped it wouldn't make things weird between them and that she could actually be with her soulmate.

Taylor bit Andrea's lower lip, earning a moan from the girl and awakening something primal in her as she entered her mouth with her tongue when the door burst open, making her pull away. And Taylor believed she would have jumped off of her if it weren't for her hands on her back.


Andrea slowly got off of her with her face in deep red, her lips a bit swollen, and her breathing ragged.

Her mother looked at her with a raised brow. "Taylor. This is quite a development."

"I... Uh, Andy, this is my mother, Camille Krutcher-Lawrence. Mom, this is Andrea Swift. She's.... A friend."

"Interesting," her mother's gaze landed on Andrea. "A pleasure to meet you, Andrea. I didn't mean to intrude and stop your friendly make-out session but—"


"—I need to speak to my daughter about some... family matters."

"Oh, of course. It was... nice meeting you, too, Ma'am," Andrea said shaken by the sudden appearance of her mother. "I'll... see you tomorrow?"

"Okay, I'll drop by your house?"

"Let's... meet in the park instead."

"Okay, bye, Tay, bye, Mrs. Lawrence, nice meeting you again."

"Text me when you get home?"

"I will." The girl walked quickly out and closed the door. Taylor flopped down on her bed, her leg dangling.

"Thanks for the embarrassment, Mom."

"Hey," her mother slapped her leg away, "I was not the one bringing girls to my room and making out with them."

She propped on her elbow. "It's only one girl!"

"I take it that that's the one?"

Taylor sighed deeply. "Yeah, she's the one."

"Oops. I had the worst timing then."

"Mom, I love you, but, what are you doing here? You're supposed to visit next week."

Her mother looked sadly at her. She did not like the way her mother was looking at her.

"I know I'm supposed to visit next week but, this is a bit... urgent. We are, well you specifically, are invited to the Grand Gala."

She knitted her brow as she sat from the bed. "The Grand Gala? Why would they invite us to their royal gathering? It's not like they like us."


"Mom, we're not needed there, right?"

Her mother looked conflicted, an emotion she didn't know the woman could feel. Her perfect eyebrows furrowed, a deep line on her forehead, her red eyes shifting their gaze.

"Taylor. I've... There's something I've been keeping from you and I've always wanted to tell you... for so long. Our family... We... We are one of the most prominent vampire clans."

"What? The Krutchers aren—"

"Knightley. Our name, our family name is Knightley."

Her eyes widened. "Knight— The Knightleys? The ones who saved our kind from the humans in the past?"

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