Pointed Teeth: Chapter Three

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My grip on the boy slackened as the words he had just muttered became a roar in my ears. "At least I know who I am." The taunt echoed,like a yell in a cave, in my mind. My body froze as a waterfall of thoughts flooded my mind. I still had knowlege, in fact I knew just about everything that is for everything except my identity. The 23rd president of the United Staes I knew, the year the Korean War began I knew, the name of Britian's current queen I knew. But my favorite color, my mother's face, my home, my friends, the foods I like, even my name were absent in my mind. Or not absent, my idenity wasn't tottaly gone, just blocked. As if some wall in my mind had blocked the thoughts.

My eyes turned glassy, as tears began to form at the corners of my eyes, but I blicked them back. This know-it-all smartmouth boy wasn't worth my tears, and his knowelge that I didn't know who I was weren't worth my tears. Biting my lip to keep from crying at my want to know who I was, I haul myself off the boy and stand up looking down expectantly at the boy. But he just lay there, his mouth agap staring at my face a shocked emotion spread about his features.

Devon's POV:

I stared at the girl shocked. This whole sceniario was impossible, I mean first of all she woke up on Day One wear they don't began to stri until Day Twelve. And despite the endless pain that was puncturing her body, for much hurt comes at this stage, she still had the strength to fight me and not only brawled with me but sent me toppling to the ground her ontop of me. One thing was certain, she wasn't normal. And it didn't seem like a bad different.

She stared down at me, expecting me to get up since she unlocked her grasp on me and stood up. I blinked, and my senses came back to me as I stood up and brushed off my jeans. Looking up from my, now dust caked from falling to the ground, jeans I see the tears in the girls eyes and a sudden wave of guilt washes over me but I refuse to take into my gut instinct to comfort her because I don't want her trusting me. That wouldn't lead to anything good.

"I...I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." I apologized, as I fought to keep my voice level and not to show any trace of emotion. I couldn't afford to reveal my feelings.

"Yeah," the girl swallowed and continued in a blank voice, "You shouldn't have." She was just as good as masking emotion as I was. I didn't like it.

The girl paused and looked around the room surveying her surroundings. She took notice of all the limp bodies, that didn't move other than the constant twitch as the chips brought new oncomings of pain from the transformation, that lay like dead bodies on all the blank white cots. Her head tileted back as she took a glimpse at the ceiling, that was nothing but a replica of the floor. And the floor was just a blan white, sleek canvas just like the walls and everything else in the room. Most people hated this room. Correction. Everyone hated this room and for two reasons. One being it was where they had expeirenced the worst pain. And two because of all the white. Everyone thought the pure white was depressing, but I just thought of it as emotionless.

"Pretty white, huh?" I commented attempting to break the discomfort we had settled into.

"Emotionless." She murmered dryly obviously upset. But why shouldn't she be, this whole experience was devastating and at the very least was described with such a minor word like upsetting.

Another thickening moment where silence filled the air occured. the girl shifted her weight uncomfortably from foot to foot and I remembered how in pain she must have been at the moment.

"Why don't you sit down?" I suggested gesturing back towards the bed she had been laying on before.

The girl hesitated as she bit her lip, obviously pondering my wors for anything suspisous. She finally came to a conclusion and shook her head. I had known her for less than 5 minutes and I already knew that she wasn't going to be an easy one to tell. When you would tell someone about the fate they would have from here most got teary, some (the creeps) happy, and sometimes they turned to a basket of pure rage. And the latter seemed most appropriate considering her latest actions.

"You can tell me what's going on, here...while I stand." She emphasized the last three words icly, indicating that I should tell her what this was all about. I braced myself for the worst as I began to tell her the whole scenario that was taking place.

"Okay, so my father Boris Scaff is a..." I paused not wanting her to get the wrong idea of me for I was nothing and let me reapeat NOTHING like my father,"Well, he's a mad scientist." She arched an eyebrow obviously thinking this was some sort of sick joke but I went on in my serious tone, " And he wants to overthrow the US goverment, so he is creating an army of..." I gulped, here comes the big part. "Vampires, to help him take control of North America and then after that South America and from there on to the rest of the world."

I tried to read her face of any emotion to my words but her face was blank. She emmited a guteral noise as she cleared her throat, and she slowly parted her lips before whispering in an almost inaudible tone.

"So I'm a vampire." She said simply as if it was a question though I knew it wasn't a question but a statement.

All I could do, was nod.


Okay was this confusing, did you get what I meant bu she knows evrything except her idenity?

A pretty bad chapter I may admit, but I've been super busy so I had to write it fast so its pretty bad. Hopefully you don't agree with me and you think it's good.

Please tell me what you think! (:

Comment, Vote, And Fan!!! Thanks!

Oh and thanks to my 15 fans! You all mean so much to me!! :)

Question: How do you think she'll react?

And sure enough, the air in the first chapter was vampires: Congrats TheCorrupted, your smart, though I assume it was kind of easy to guess considering in the description I mentioned vampires.

P.S. I tried to make this a vampire story different than the other romantic ones that are akways about a mortal and a vampire falling in love (though I actually like those kind of stories)

P.S.S. I switched this one to be my Watty Award entry so please vote, thanks!

Love ya, and I will upload soon! *virtual pinky swear*

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