The Bagel

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I didn't sleep. I didn't need to. The coffee was enough to keep my mind going for the hours before I had to get up for school. When Jason left I took a shower and got ready leisurely, unlike every other day when I wake up late. By the time I finished it was not yet time for me to go, but I left anyways. I got in my car and drove through the streets of the little town I shared with a couple thousand.

The streets looked different in the daylight than they did last night. The cool and gentle moon had given way to a harsh and unforgiving sun and the pavement glowed, teasing the world with secrets of the night before. I thought back to last night and my small freak out over the motorcycles, something that would not have happened in the daylight. In daylight I could pretend that my life was normal but at night I always remembered. It's just easier to be vulnerable when you're not as exposed.

I checked the time in my dashboard. 7:07 a.m. I had ample time to get to school so I pulled into a bagel shop to get one for lunch. The scent of fresh dough filled my nose and I could feel the warmth of the kitchen throughout the store. A few people populated the shop, casually sipping coffees and looking at phones or newspapers. I ordered my bagel and sat down at an empty table to wait.

I let my mind wander as I looked out at the different people walking outside, enjoying their morning. I remember when I used to enjoy mornings. Mornings were the beginnings of days where school was not as serious and I stayed out until dark with my friends. Now I don't have friends and I'm third in my class. Ironic.

I didn't notice anyone standing around me until I stopped my thinking. The person behind me cleared their throat and I turned around. Rex was looking at me in all his beautiful glory, wearing an apron and holding my bagel. I hadn't even noticed he worked here. He smirked at me and shoved the bagel in my face. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I can't believe I didn't notice he was here.

"Enjoy your bagel ma'am," He stated and I took the bag.

"Th-Thanks," I stuttered out, still surprised.

He winked at me before turning back to the counter and sauntering away.

What just happened?

Still shook, I tried to pull myself together and walked out the door to my car. As I drove to school, I replayed the events of last night. I was kidnapped in the night and joined a cult made up of a bunch of strangers that did illegal things.

"Remy, what are you doing with your life?" I asked myself.

Good question.

Regardless of my early start, I still enter the school parking lot ten minutes late as I kept missing the turn because of my preoccupation. As I walk in the doors, I feel my life getting sucked out of me. Pity, I was having such a good morning too.

Walking to my locker, as slowly as possible, I kept hearing voices and running throughout the empty hallways. Shrugging it off I keep my pace and eventually get to my locker. Opening it, I pause. The footsteps were closer now and I could hear them panting. I turn to my locker, place my bagel inside, and grab my book for the last part of the class.

The footsteps rounded the corner into the hallway just as I shut my locker. Two boys were chasing another. As they got closer, I started to recognize them as two bikers, Tommy and Ezra, and Caleb. Caleb was keeping a good distance but the two bikers soon gained an advantage as he almost tripped. They jumped him in seconds and lifted him up to the wall on the opposite side of the hallway from where I was standing. They had yet to notice me.

"Thought you could run?" Tommy harassed. "What made you think, gave you any hope, that you could outrun the both of us looking like that?"

Ezra, struggling to hold Caleb against the wall by himself, added a "yeah" for emphasis.

"Hand it over now," Tommy continued.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Caleb ground out, taunting him.

Tommy looked confused as to why Caleb would even be talking in his situation. A small, visibly weaker, guy was being overpowered by two, stronger guys. Tommy's confusion turned quickly to anger at the realization that he was being defied. He lifted a closed fist at Caleb, ready to set him straight. I took that as my cue to step in and walked over to Tommy, placing my hand over his tensed fist.

"Hey Tommy," I said quietly. His shoulder relaxed and he turned around to me.

Hey Guys! Happy Easter! I hope you're enjoying the book so far! How do you guys think Remy knows Tommy? 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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