Chapter 1

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                                                                         Sunday July 16, 2017

Dear diary,

Today we moved to the suburbs. It's weird that we move to a place like this. Where I came from there were gangbangers on every corner. The only reason why we moved to the suburbs is because my mom scored a new nice job which is pretty cool. My mom is happy that I'm going to have a nice change in my life with high school and all. But me, I'm nervous because I'm in 11th grade and I am not in my old school anymore. At my old school I was easy everyone knew me I felt like I was in a movie, even though it was in a bad neighborhood. I had the most handsome boyfriend, craziest friends, and a pretty great best friend. When I was at that school I was happy. But the school itself was funny, crazy, weird, and a great place to learn. My mom don't think so she use to call it the doors of hell when really it was called Riley H. high school, school of the hellhounds. Now that she is making me go to my first day at groove high school home to the clovers. Usually I would not go to school until the 2 week of school but no since the entire rich white folk are here it's safer to go. While I was unpacking I was looking at pictures and things that I save every time we would go somewhere. I made me think about what I am missing out. I know that I been gone for 2 days cause of all the driving. Before leaving we had a big bonfire for me because I was leaving I had to break up with my boyfriend. We had been dating for 3 years and I felt safe, happy and, didn't have to worry about nothing that happens in the street. My mom told me I had to start fresh when we get then so I'm going to burn most of these so they won't remind me of my old life.

                                                                           Monday July 17, 2017

Dear Dairy,

Today I got up early to get ready for school I wanted to wait until my mom left but she didn't. She wanted to see me in my school clothes, what a bummer. But best thing was that she didn't have to take me to school. She got me a jeep for my birthday last year so I get to go late. I never know that morning traffic would be the death of me. But thank god I got on time if my mom found about me being late she would freak out. When I walked in the school I was like a TV everybody was staring at me. It didn't feel right, I try to lay low but that was hard to. I tried to look at for my locker. When I found it a cute boy was right next to me I did look twice but then a girl came and said " bailey come on we are going to be late". He did look at me but he didn't really say anything, but shocking thing is we have 1st hour together which was homeroom. I sat behind and next to me was the girl who called him. When the bell rang the teacher got up and said "guys we have a name student her name Alex Maxell". Everyone look at me like I had a big note that said she is new meat. I stood up for 2 sec and sat down. When I did, I didn't ever look at the teacher half the time I was looking at the clock and to me it was going slow. But then he turns around and said "rushing to go somewhere". I didn't really hear what he said but then he repeats what he said. When I snapped out of it I told him "I am rushing to go home". He laughed as quiet as possible. But before he could say what he wanted to say the bell rang. I ran to my car and tried to leave but I was stopped by a teacher. He asked me where I was going. I didn't want to ask so I didn't and walked back to the school to the principle. I know people were wondering already I was going to the office. When I left the office the boy (bailey) was right there, wondering was he waiting for me or he got caught trying to leave or for something else. 2 periods passed lunch was 2 mins away, I was thinking I was going seat. Maybe bailey would like to sat be me. But when I walk in bailey was sating with other people that look rich. The girls had the new bag that came out. And the boys had nice shirts, I can't seat with them I won't fit in. So I sat at the empty table. In the 4th period I look around and saw bailey right there 2 seats away from but he was making out with that girl from early. I told myself I lost that chance when I saw them kissing. When i look at the clock all day in half my class I swear it was going slow. Finally 2:40 I thought I was never going to come. I hoped in my car trying to drive fast so I can go home. But I was stop once again but Bailey. I whisper to myself "not again". He walks to my window and points downward. With a smile I said "yes how may I help you". He tells me that he need some to help jump his car. I try to b nice with this comment by saying "don't you have a girlfriend that has a car". He looks at me with his green eyes and smile then turn away. I asked if he had jumper cables he didn't answer. I told him "so you're no going to answer my questions". He said "you just said that I have a girlfriend that hurt my feelings". I was going to be rude but I didn't want to leave him here. So I wait 15 mins and his car still didn't cut on. So I offer to take him home and he accepted. When I was taking him home I was quiet in the car so I turn on the music. While driving in his neighborhood it made me feel like I was low class. He lives in the biggest house I ever seen in the 17 years I lived. When I put the car on park he asked me "if I wanted to come inside?"I told him "its past 3:50 I have to be home for dinner but thanks for the offer. ".When I got home I eat the dinner told my mom my day and she told me her. While I was cleaning the dishing my mom came up to me and told me "I love you sweetheart".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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