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This is me.

This is me dancing for you.

This is you.

This is everything.

To be witnessed with my arms wide open, My chest rising and falling to the rhythm of the universe, My universe within, The universal rhythm In me, for you, to see.

To feel.


Trusting the sounds and shudders, erupting beneath me.

Beneath you?

Knowing my shell will eventually break Into a million tiny particles.

I might even hurt you.

Surely shards of my armor will get in your eyes.

Dust, unwelcome in the cracks and dark corners of your body, Will find their way into you, and rest.

Stand close and watch my walls crumble.

Pieces of me will fly into your ears Between your toes and your teeth And so far into your lungs They will dissolve there and be With your every breath.

If you stand close to me while I dance I will crawl under your skin and never leave you.

I am so naked so raw so shiny so wet you will see it all.

I mean you.

You will see you.

See all the parts we share, That slithery helpless part We have necessarily taught to walk and talk and clothe and intellectualize and house and shut up and shut out and focus and wade and wait and work and work and work and work …

To protect.





My dance is a glass calm reflection.

You forgot what it felt like to dance without moving.

I am dancing Without stopping, Without saying no, Without trying to get it right.

You pretend, I am not like you when I move like this.

When I make these sounds, You put your hands over your ears, You turn your back.

This dance is dangerous, It's crazy, It's humiliating, It's primal, It's unsophisticated.

This dance will shatter everything we've worked for.

This dance feels so fucking good There is no turning back.


Not you?

You don't touch the stuff?

You've never wondered?

You're not a dancer?

I am a dancer.


We all are.

We hear the same chords, the same dissonance, Like it or not, we are in harmony.

This is the song.

We sound like this.

We look like this.

We smell like this.

Sarah Sanguin Carter (Poems)Where stories live. Discover now