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The seelie queen and king Kanon and Kazuki where sitting together in the meeting with the unseelie king and queen Yuu and Haruka. The meeting was held to bring peace to the two courts. The two courts have just agreed that when it was time that the princess of the seelie court Reila will marry the prince of the unseelie court Aoi to unite the two courts.

In the background there was two fairy children playing. The unseelie prince Aoi and the seelie princess Reila.

"We will be together forever"

"And ever" replied Reila.

In the same room was Yuuto Yuu's yonger brother. The only one in the meeting that was against the whole plan to join the two courts together. He was the leader of the rebels. He was determend to stop the two courts from joining at all cost. Even if he had to kill his nephew.

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