Pole Position

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Sebastian was shaking. Pole position! He was back where he belonged.
He looked around him at all the screaming fans and just took it in, while the interviewer was busy with the Red Bull drivers.

After the last race he wasn’t sure he could get in front of Hamilton again in the points, but with the Mercedes driver now on 5th, he had all the confidence that he would get in a healthy point lead again.

The only downside of today was that Kimi wasn’t beside him to celebrate. He had hoped they would start next to each other. Now he had to make do with Max, who he didn’t mind as much as people liked to believe. He had more problems with Daniel standing beside them.

He growled under his breath when the Australian driver got too close to him, and he saw Daniel instinctively take a step back, even though he couldn’t have heard him. It made him grin smugly.

Max was bounding around him like an excited puppy, and he smiled fondly at the young Dutch driver. He reminded him of himself in his younger years, and he was sure the boy could do great things in the years to come.

But this was his year, and this pole position was just what he had needed.

He went through the interviews in a daze, grinning happily, and joking around. He was still shaking though, pent up adrenaline from the tough circuit and the excitement not allowing him to calm down.

Sebastian looked forward to getting to the hotel, and to Kimi. He would know what to do about his excessive energy. The thought made heat pool low in his belly, and his fangs itch to drop.

When he was finally done, he got back to the garage. Receiving congratulations from his engineers and mechanics, his back sore from all the slaps he got from over excited team members. He just smiled through it all, nothing could bring him down today.

He walked through the back, and when he passed his drivers room a hand suddenly shot out, grabbing him and pulling him into the room. It took him half a second to realise that hand belonged to none other than his boyfriend, and in that time he got slammed up against the door, closing it.

A mouth covered his, desperately kissing him, pushing a tongue against his lips. He opened up immediately, grabbing fistfulls of a red overall, and pulling Kimi tighter to him.

Kimi kissed him hard and hungrily, nipping on his lips and pushing his tongue so deep Sebastian had to lean his head back against the door. Eventually he had to pull away to breath, and he ripped his mouth off Sebastian’s, who whined at the loss.

They were gasping for breath, staring at the other, and not being able to keep their hands still.

“You did so well Sebby. So proud of you” Kimi mutters against his lips, stroking his hands up and down his sides.

He could feel Sebastian shake, and grinned wickedly. He knew exactly how to get rid of the adrenaline running through the other man.

Kimi started pulling down the zipper on Sebastian’s overalls, pushing it down quickly. There was no time for taking this slow. This was about calming Sebastian down, and about celebrating his amazing achievement.

Sebastian wasted no time in returning the favour and it didn’t take them long to get each other naked. He stared hungrily at Kimi, licking his lips and feeling his fangs drop at the sight before him. Kimi was a feast for the eyes, muscular body and dark lust blown eyes, cock hard for him.

“Fuck Kimi, you’re gorgeous baby. Need you so bad” Sebastian moaned.

Kimi smirked at him, and got closer. He ran a hand down Sebastian’s chest, grabbing his cock in a loose fist but not moving it. The German shuddered, closing his eyes for a moment and whining when Kimi did nothing else.

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