friendship is magic // heathers friendship

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Martha Dunnstock was pretty much done with everything.

Mainly, life.

She sat right on the edge of the Old Mill bridge.

Ready to jump.

She recollected life's events.

Back in Kindergarten, those were the days.

"Children, it's nap time!" The teacher would call.

That was one of the best days of Martha's life, according to her.

That was the day she got to share a mat with Ram Sweeney.

"GO RAM!" Ram's friend, Kurt called from the outfield.

The kids were playing kickball, and Ram was about to kick.

Ram looked at his Kindergarten girlfriend, and smiled.

He looked down at his arm, and noticed a scab.

He shrugged and pulled it off.

"Here! It's a token of our love!" Ram smiled, handing it to Martha.

Martha blushed madly, and smiled.

She took that scab, and put it in a locket.

And all year long, she wore it around her heart.

But, life was more complicated.

There were hormones, mythic bitches, bullies, nerds, basket-cases.

And, the leader of the 'My Little Pony Club' Martha Dunnstock.

More memories flooded in her mind.

"Stop acting S-T-U-P-E-D, Martha!" Her former boyfriend yelled at her when she didn't know the answer to 4 + 46."

"It's spelled S-T-U-P-I-D, and you must be talking about yourself." Veronica remarked, still looking down at her math worksheet.

And honestly, that was one of he best comebacks ever in First Grade.

All the children laughed at Ram, and Veronica smirked, and looked up.

Ram glared at Veronica.

"What?" Veronica asked, smugly.

Ram glared even more, and walked over to her.

Veronica remained unfazed.

Then, Ram grabbed her arm, and pushed her down.

The children gasped.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Ram smirked.

The teacher finally turned around.

"RAM!" She gasped, walking over to them.

Veronica looked up at him with fury in her eyes.

She got up, and punched Ram in the nose.

The teacher and kids gasped again.

They both got sent to the office.

Martha smiled as the memories rehashed.

She sat, satisfied at the happy memories.

She got up, and stood on the edge of the bridge.

"Goodbye, I'll see you soon, Ram."

--------------------Somewhere Else----------------

Veronica walked around he dimly lit streets.

It seems these past few weeks of her life had gone right into the trash can.

First, she falls for a psycho.

Then, the next thing she knows, three popular kids are dead.

And she knows why.

She doesn't know why she obeyed him though.

Tonight, Heather McNamara attempted suicide.

Veronica, fortunately, stopped her.

As she walked, nearing the Old Mill bridge, saw a gleam of pink.

As she walked a bit more, she realized it was a girl, and she was standing up, nearing the edge.

It took the valedictorian a few more seconds to realize who it was.

Veronica suddenly ran as fast as her short stature could carry her, until she was right behind Martha.

Martha put one foot off the edge, before Veronica screamed.

"Martha, NO!" She yelled, grabbing her friend and pulling her back.

Martha blinked as they landed on the mini-sidewalk of the bridge.

"R-Ronnie?" Martha said, turning around to face her former best friend.

"Y-yeah." Veronica stuttered, still trying to grasp as to what happened.

"I'm sorry." Martha said, tears coming down her face.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Veronica said, just happy that her old friend was alive.

"In fact, I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I'm an asshole of a friend, and that I'm probably the reason you just tried to jump off of this bridge." Veronica said, also crying.

"No, it's just everything." Martha said, rather quietly.

Veronica pulled her into a hug.

Martha smiled.

"You know what?" Martha asked.

"What?" Veronica remarked.

"Friendship is magic." Martha smiled.


Yes yes I know this sucks xD

And it's long xD

But ya this is my first one-shot you can request literally any ship (there doesn't have to be a ship), musical, if you want to be an x reader or something, anything!


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