Chapter 1

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I was going to do it. After weeks of thinking about it and deciding that yes, it was a good idea, I was going to tell him. Perhaps it wasn’t the best time to tell him – we’d just spent the last hour in my room doing you-know-what – but when would there ever be a good time?

“George?” I cleared my throat before I spoke and my feet were rubbing against eachother.

“Yes hun?” He didn’t even look up from his cereal, just carried on watching the ancient TV in my kitchen that had recently been affected by the digital turnover, the Simpsons was coming out a bit fuzzy.

“I think we should take a break.”

Now I know usually these stories show the coming together of two people, and as they get over the awkward tension where they both want eachother but are too blind to see it, it seems as if they will live happily ever after with their “High school romance”.

Well no, it doesn’t, not always. My story was one of those – seen you around, thought you were cute, lets snog and tie down the player with my strange personality but hot bod – and it was meant to be going great. But it wasn’t, it was getting rocky. After 3 months of the same over and over my player boyfriend was getting bored. I myself was in love with the lad, always had been because one of my fantasies in life had always been “snag the player, snag the player!” To any outsider it would seem that he liked me just as much too. He didn’t care that sometimes my legs were hairy because I was half Italian and just couldn’t be bothered to shave that week. He didn’t mind my burping – in public as well – and in turn I didn’t mind that he enjoyed squeezing his spots (the very few he did get but hey, nobody’s perfect, we’ve all got to work it) or the fact that every Friday night was “Lads night” and being a year older meant getting lashed in town whilst I spent the night watching TV illegally on the computer.

However under the surface I knew what was up. I knew that he had gotten bored because the girl who kept him on his feet and never left a boring moment had gotten so comfortable that she was not keeping him on his feet. She was giving him boring moments – like every Monday he would come over and they would watch a kids film together. Whilst I loved this routine, George – being a Gemini – hated it.

So I thought hard and realised that soon after exams had finished for him and school had finished for me, we would be going away – George to Zante where the inevitable will happen and me to Italy that well the inevitable happens too – and after he would go to Uni where he would not want to tie himself down.

I hear you ask: why I am posing this “break” to him when it is him going to university? Well George sucks at confrontation, always has and always will. He waits for the other person to come to him or the girl to break up with him. And this did not come out of the blue, no siree, the signs were there, loud and clear that he was bored. George would be getting drunker and drunker on his Friday nights out with the lads. In the first 2 months he would ring me up just to tell me how much he wished I was there with him – how could I not love this boy? But after awhile no call came and it wasn’t till the next morning where I rang up his best mate Kieran, that I realised I was losing my boyfriend. There were even times where he wouldn’t reply to my texts for 2 days so I stopped texting him altogether. Then there was the fact that Kieran confirmed my doubts – George was flirting with other girls.

Before you get all “Why are you still going out with the twat if he is flirting with other girls?!” Well, I know who George was before, it is like it’s in his build up to flirt. It was turned down a bit in the first couple of months but now it was getting ridiculous. I didn’t want to believe he was going back to his old ways and that he would cheat on me – it’s not as if I didn’t put out, or didn’t give him what he wanted. But I realised that I was boring.

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