b. ii

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"Knock, knock,"

"Seriously," she responded with one hand holding her locker door while she switched out her course materials. She shook her head as she retrieved everything and made a move to close her locker. Peter, however, closed it for her. Unintentionally, of course. He was trying to look cool, but that never worked out well for him. His attempt of casually leaning against her locker ended with his hand slipping causing her locker to be firmly shut as he regained his balance. Peter was the clumsiest boy she had ever met.

"Yes, come on. It's a good one. I promise."

"You're such a loser," she replied as she laughed at her friend. He was once again situated against her locker only this time he was leaning back against it rather than just leaning on his hand. She rolled her eyes and laughed again knowing that he would continue being a dork.

He smiled, "knock, knock."

"Who's there?"


Where was he going with this? 

She sighed, "kiss who?"

"Kiss me!" He said with a sheepish smile.

She pondered for a few seconds. Peter was beginning to regret even trying this. He didn't think that he would actually say it this time. Every time he talked to her, he tried to get the joke out. He just never did because he didn't want her to laugh in his face. He didn't want to confirm what he already knew. He didn't want to know that she didn't like him in any way other than a friend.

"Yeah, okay."

"Wait, was that," he paused. "Was that a sarcastic response or was that like for real?"

"Uh," she thought about it. It was, by all means, sarcastic, but she did want to kiss him. Sarcasm was a defense of hers; it was her go to whenever she wanted something but didn't want to admit it. That way, if someone didn't agree with her response, she could claim it was sarcasm. But here, now, looking at his hopeful face, she wanted to admit that she meant it. Maybe she should. Maybe she would.

She shrugged as she bit her lower lip slightly. "Maybe it was a bit of both."

"Oh," Peter flushed with wide eyes. He never thought, in a million years, that that would work. He couldn't believe it had. "Really?"

She looked down at her feet as she bit her lip again. "Yeah."

Peter froze. He wanted to lean in and go for it the second the word left her mouth, but he froze at the spot. He could not move. So, she took it upon herself to do it.

She tentatively placed one hand around the backside of his neck and the other clutched his shirt as she stepped into him and gently placed her lips onto his. Peter remained frozen for a moment before finally responding to the kiss.

"Thank you," he mumbled as she pulled away.

"Thank you?" She laughed. "Well, you're very welcome Peter."

"Shit, why did I just say that?" He muttered to himself.

"Because you're the perfect gentleman; your mannerism is on point, Parker." She said sarcastically before doubling over with laughter. "You're such a loser."

Peter scoffed before pulling her in for another kiss. This one just as gentle as the first.

She smiled against his lips before saying, in her most proper like voice, "thank you."

Peter groaned while she laughed again. She would never let this go.

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