Batty's Note to Wattpad.

274 27 3

I seriously cannot believe some of you.

Do you realize how many people out there are going through their own personal hell? It doesn't matter if they failed a test, if they lost their best friend, if they're anorexic, or if they're being abused. It doesn't matter what happened, but bad things happen every day. And people don't need others being fucking douche canoes to them after that. Even if nothing else is going wrong, it doesn't mean anything is going particularly right, and a stupid comment from you could wreck their day. Just because someone was rude to you, doesn't justify you being rude back.

I am so sick of going through my news feed, and going through my pm's, and just going through life in general, and seeing all of these people treating other people like shit. Why?

We're all people, hell; most of us are still kids. Why would you willingly make someone feel bad? You know what you're saying, and what you're doing, yet you do it anyway.

I have unfollowed so many people because of how they treat people, and even some of the people I considered the most valuable have turned out to treat some other people horribly. We are all people, dammit. We all know what it's like to be made fun of; we all have hard things in our lives. So why would you want to force that upon someone else, or make it worse?

That is not what life is about, and that is not what Wattpad is about. If you know how bad it is, why can't you try to help other people? Do you realize how close some people are to just completely breaking, and you could be fueling that fire?

Everyone is fucking beautiful, and no one deserves to be treated like shit.

If you are one of those people who are treating people horribly, grow up. I realize I may not be the best person, but at least I try. I certainly don't try to antagonize others. 


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