i forgive you

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hey guys! i hope your still reading! so yeah........... please comment oh and i knpw this chapter is like crazy short but i think i'll probably upload another part later on tonight when i'm not in a rush... so yeah

my hands ran over the lid of the red velvet box, taking off the tape that had been stuck. i brought the paper that the tape been keeping in place slowly to my face.

thhere written in Kevin's definate chicken scratch was an apology.


I’m  sorry for not telling you.

Please forgive me,

Love you


 “of course I forgive you,” I whispered in a soft monotone, taking a deep breath and removing the lid.

i closed my eyes.  when i opened them  again Carson was no longer across the room, he was inches away from me, arms outstrecthed and waiting for a hug, that he knew that i so despretaly needed.

" i can't do this ," i told him, not yet pulling away.

"so don't- not right now anyway, take it, it's yours ,look; when you ready," he anwsered, kissing my forehead and releasing his arms. i nodded solmnly, getting up from the bed and taking my belongings.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2012 ⏰

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