5- new friends?

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"But like... Didn't ya get any dreams about these heartless? before all this mess happened?" Sora asked (Y/N), after he explained all his dreams, and what happened to him before they got to Traverse Town. He also told her about the whole Riku and Kairi situation in the Island, when the storm was happening. "To be honest, I did get some weird dreams. But, all of them weren't complete, it's just the same black void, and blurry figures that seem so familiar, yet, when I call out for them... They never reply? And these heartless. I remember this voice, but it can't be described. It's almost as if it was talking inside my head, telling me stuff without having a voice?...." she sighed, looking at the paper heart she made, then shifting her gaze at Sora.

"What did it say?" Sora asked, tilting his head in curiosity. "It told me something about a key, I'm guessing it was talking about the keyblade. But also something about a heart? It doesn't make sense." she said, causing Sora's face to scrunch up in thought.

Flashbacks of those dreams filled her mind. How she was floating in that empty void, not being able to breathe. And that voice... "Your hearts are one." it always said. This wasn't making any sense to her, all of this happened so fast, it's almost impossible to catch up.

"So you think we're connected or something, you know, we almost have the same dreams. And the keyblades, too." Sora pointed out, making the girl beside him shrug. "Probably," was her only answer.

"Sooner or later the heartless will get you," Leon spoke up, catching the attention of the two keyblade wielders. "You'd best prepare yourselves." He continued. "Prepare?..." Sora tilted his head. "To fight. Are you both ready?" Leon asked. "Yeah!" They said in unison, grinning. Leon turned to Yuffie, "Yuffie, let's go join Aerith. She should be there with the other visitors-" he was cut off by Yuffie, "Leon!" She yelled, pointing at the heartless who appeared in the middle of the room.

"Yuffie, go!" Leon yelled, pointing at the door and getting into stance. Yuffie then left, leaving (Y/N) and Sora with Leon. "(Y/N), Sora, let's go!" He shot them a glance. He ran towards the window, jumping out as (Y/N) and Sora followed him.

Once they landed in the alleyway, Leon turned towards them. "Don't waste your time on the small fry, find the leader!" He ordered, running to the other direction. Sora glanced at (Y/N), who nodded, reassuring him. It's funny how a single nod from her made him feel better. Hopefully they're strong enough to fight these armored heartless -which are called soldier heartless-

A handful of them started attacking the two, who fought back with ease. Finishing the last three, they headed to towards the second district, which also held a bunch of those soldier heartless. They tried fighting through the waves of heartless, and eventually gave up, moving on to the third district. They went down the stairs, suddenly, they heard a loud crash, and two voices screaming.

They looked up, only to be met with a dog and a duck falling their direction. Sora and (Y/N) tried to run out of the way, but they were too late. Causing the duck and the dog to fall down on them, crushing them. "O-oww..." (Y/N) and Sora groaned. Poor Sora was on the bottom of the pile, (Y/N) squished on top of him, following after her were the duck and dog.

"The keys!" The duck and the dog yelled, looking at the keyblades in Sora an (Y/N)'s hands. The ground started to shake uncontrollably, pillars rose from the ground, blocking all the exits. The four of them got up, noticing the heartless that appeared around them.

Without hesitation, they all started attacking the heartless, destroying them. "That was easy!" (Y/N) grinned, only for that grin to get wiped off her face when giant armored body parts started falling from the sky, combining to become one large armored heartless. "Spoke too soon!" Sora squeaked -how cute omg-, raising his keyblade, ready to attack.

As they all started to attack, the giant heartless began to stomp them, which caused damage. But luckily that duck were at their aid, healing them with his magic powers. It kept falling apart, but in a mater of seconds, it reconnects quickly. The spinning attacks were blocked by (Y/N) and the dog, giving Sora more time to attack it.

Eventually the feet and arms were destroyed, leaving only the head and torso. Things from there got a lot difficult since it kept spinning. But after blocking some of the hits and attacking the torso, the heartless was defeated, creating a bright light in which a heart flew out of.

The duck and dog turned towards the keyblade wielding duo, who were high-fiving each other and laughing with relief. "We were looking for you!" The duck told them. "You were looking for us?" Sora repeated, tilting his head in confusion. Making the duck and the dog in front of him nod.

"They, too, have been seeking the wielders of the keyblades," Leon's voice spoke up from behind the four. They faced Leon and Yuffie, who was beside him. "Hey, why don't you two come with us? We can travel to other worlds with our vessel!" The dog said, looking at (Y/N) and Sora, who exchanged unsure glances. "We could find Riku and Kairi," (Y/N) said, making the duck nod, "Yeah!"

"Are you sure?" The dog asked the duck, who turned towards him. "Who knows? But we need them to help the king," the duck replied, making both Sora and (Y/N) glare. "We can hear you, ya know,"

"Go with them," Leon spoke up, making the two turn towards him. "Specially if you want to find your friends." He continued, making (Y/N) turn to Sora, who was frowning. For some reason, she felt slightly down, seeing him looking at the ground, frowning like that. "I guess..." Sora replied, making the duck cross his arms. She smiled, patting Sora's back. "you can't come along looking like that," the duck playfully glared at Sora. "no frowning, no sad face, okay?" he ordered.

"yeah! You gotta look funny, like us! H'yuck!" The dog said, making the duck shove him to the side. "Be happy!" The duck continued. "happy?" Sora asked. "yeah, happy!" (Y/N) repeated, smiling at Sora.


Silence filled the place, until suddenly, Sora lifted his head, making a funny face. "Cheese!" he yelled, causing everyone to laugh. "What was that!" (Y/N) laughed, slapping her knee. "That's one funny face!" The dog wiped a tear. "Alright, we'll go with you guys!" Sora said, then looked at (Y/N) for approval, "yeah!" She agreed, grinning.

"Donald Duck," the duck introduced, extending his hand. "Name's Goofy!" the dog placed a hand on top of the duck's. "I'm (Y/N)!" (Y/N) put her hand on the dog's, Sora after her. "And I'm Sora!"

"All for one, one for all!"

"those little squirts took down that heartless, who would've thought it?"

"such is the power of the keyblades, those children's strengths is not their own."

"why don't we turn them into heartless? That'll settle things quick enough."

"and those brats' friends are the king's lackeys."

"swoggle me eyes, they're all blige rats by the look of them."

"you're no prize yourself."

"shut up!-"

"enough" a powerful voice that belonged to a female interrupted the chaos.

"The keyblades have chosen them. Will it be them who conquers the darkness?

Or will the darkness swallow them?

Either way, they could be quite useful..."

The woman's piercing yellow eyes glistened with madness.


—I hope you enjoyed this so far, I'll try my best to make the plot as organized as it can get. I have many plans for this book! Anyways, thanks for reading, bye!

Paper hearts (Sora x reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now