Chapter 1

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I sit up, sweating. Bad dreams again. I lay my head down on my pillow facing the ceiling and rub my temple.

This is getting too serious. I know I can't tell dad because he'll freak. I can't tell Nel either. She won't understand.

I stumble my way out of bed and go into the bathroom next door. I look in the mirror at my pale, freckled face. Thin. Too thin.

My long almost-black hair falls in my face as I stare at my eyes. My eyes are odd. I have grey eyes, but my left one has a speck of blue at the top. People find it weird, but I find it quite interesting. I think of the faces I've passed and seen that always look at the speck instead of my face. Long list.

My thoughts are interrupted with dad yelling "Nellie Rose Peters! Come clean up your breakfast!" I hear little foot steps downstairs and snap back to reality. I turn on the faucet and let the cool water run through my fingers. Touching my face and tracing the outlines of my cheekbones, the bones under my skin stick out, emphasizing the sharp angles of my face. I turn the faucet off and dry my hands on the off-white towel hung up behind me.

I look down at my purple watch on my way downstairs. It reads 7:12. That's over 20 minutes earlier than yesterday. The visions are coming faster. Weird.

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