The Story

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I was once living with nothing but a pig… life with a pig?

My life with a pig and the zombie apocalypse. I must fight them it will be the battle of my life and the world... Mr. Pig what in the world are you doing to my farm? Oh I forget to mention this is far in the future. Since you now know lets get to the story & how it all started. One day I was mining the a creeper came and I died when I spawned back I wasn’t in my house I was in a cave filled with zombies and skeletons so I died again and spawned in my house with a pig wearing a top hat and a bow tie. I was going to kill him for food but when I punched him he took no damage so now he’s my pet so yeah. He’s fun. Then I went mining then a zombie kicked me off a cliff so yeah to be continued…Hey guys Sky I mean the narrator here lets get back to the story so yeah. Then I ran and I crafted my sword and my iPod and listened to Captainsparklez’s parodies of songs Revenge, TNT, Minecraft Style and Take Back The Night. Then the pig grabbed some diamonds and a stick and crafted a sword and pig armor. How did you make pig armor? That doesn’t exist so how did you do that? Anyways lets go fight and take our revenge. Lets fight those mobs and anything that gets in our way. Then we went and fought the mobs and got to the temple of mobs. Next what happens is so awesome it takes someone who was there to know what happened so now I’m reading what happened next so yeah. Then we ran to the place of entire coolness AKA an old temple with part of the bottom missing and made safer with obsidian. I used that cave once as the bat cave as batman it was kind of old so I didn’t use it anymore. That’s where they hid until I found out because when I got there part of a wall was missing. That many creepers. Wow. That’s a lot of them. So I fixed the wall and re-layered each wall with more obsidian then I heard commotion from out side and then it said Geffrey has joined the game and I was like Oh no I’m dead meat. Then Mr. pig ate some wheat and oinked. Then I heard obsidian breaking and saw him he was like “Why are you hiding I’m here to help you fight those mobs.” All right that was strange Geffrey just said he was here to help me, not the mobs ME. Okay may I have the exploding cat shooting stick? He gave it so I gave him armor and a sword. He thanked me and said, “Lets go fight those mobs and re-layer this bat cave from outside now.” We went and fought and won the end just kidding. So then we waited and waited until the mobs finally came to us it was so sudden what happened. The creepers started exploding. The zombies split in to groups one with diamond pickaxes the other with diamond swords. The skeletons came and started shooting arrows like mad so the pig then died to a zombie then skeletons died. I didn’t see what killed them then I realized Geffrey shot them with lightning so then he did the same to the creepers which became super charged and blew up nothing so the zombies took Geffrey and took him captive. Geffrey saved me so I owed him. Just then the pig spawned back in and got his stuff and we went to save Geffrey. When we got to where they were hiding him he was chained up and in the air. “No release him,” I yelled “Put me up there.” I added. Geffrey said, “You don’t have to do this.” I replied with “I want to.” “No you don’t,” he said. Then the zombies released him and put me up there and then lowered me in to a yellow liquid that burned when I touched it then the burning was gone and I was raised back up then they put me down and I ran away from there but I had super speed and ran so far I lost my house so I ran and found it and then I found it and slept. Next I figured out I was the new Hero brine. I went home and realized that I had been pranked and that I wasn’t Hero brine so everything is fine. Now I must continue fighting because the battle was won but not the war. So I went to the Temple O’ Mobs and fought but realized they had reinforcements ender men so now me and my team against the mobs who now have the teleporting chowder brains so we’re going to lose the war unless we fight the last mob created the Ender Dragon. So now we have to go to the Nether get blaze rods from killing blazes craft those in to blaze powder, then kill ender men for ender pearls and use the blaze powder and ender pearls to craft eyes of ender to find and activate the portal to the End to kill the creator of ender men and stop the source of them spawning. So that’s the plan to beat one thing of their army of mobs so lets start now. Next we ran got obsidian made a portal (which is made by 4x5 leaving the middle open then light the middle with a flint and steel.) and we went to the Nether to fight blazes while we were there a ghast (a floating annoying white thing.) starts shooting fire at us so we sent the fire back and the ghast died. Next we got all the stuff we needed and left after visiting Herobrine’s house on top of the nether. So next we had to kill at least twenty-four endermen and we got twenty-four ender pearls, which we crafted in to eyes of ender and went to find the portal base. When we got there we beat the Ender Dragon. Next we had to wait through all the credits until we re-spawned so next we fought them and we beat them and they packed a punch then I realized I could have just paused and set the game difficulty to peaceful. Once I did they all died then Geffrey attacked me so I died then I was kicked off of another cliff. So I cant tell the story. I’m just kidding with you no one can ban people from The Edcatrue except Mojang people so I’m safe from Geffrey for now. So then he set the difficulty to hard and then I realized I was no match for him. But this story is fiction so don’t think zombies are real.

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