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"I dare you father. Throw me in Cell 25, scare me enough to join you, cause I can tell you this much, it will never happen." I yell in Hatch's face after we get home from the X Games

"Angel, what are you doing?" Quentin whispers

"What I should have done when I first got here." I start "I only gave him a chance because he seemed like he changed. He reunited me with my twin brother, and brought Taylor and Tara together."

"You should know better than anybody that I will do what needs to be done." Hatch says

"What does it matter Angel? That guy was just a human." Quentin says

"We're also human. We are just kids with weird abilities! Same with the three kids down in the cellars!" I yell, turning sharply to look at Quentin

"H-how did you know about those three?" Hatch asks

"Like you don't know. I can sense the other electric children's electricity." I say "Now what are you doing to do with me? Put me in a regular cell, knowing that I can find a way out, or Cell 25 where I can become weak and possibly break trying to crawl back to you?"

Hatch looks at me then signals for some guards to grab me and Nichelle to do her thing.

Quentin walks away quietly, not looking back once. I shake my head and wave at Nichelle that I know what I'm supposed to do.

"No need, cause I'll gladly go to Cell 25, as it is to get away from my psycho father. And the brother who no longer cares." I say

I turn around and start to follow the guards as they lead me to the elevator.


"How did you two even become so close?" I ask, standing next to Jack by one of the gas pumps

"It was after one of the classes that we both had and she was the only one who would help me if I needed it, even if she knew that I was the one who bullied you and Ostin." He says "After that class got out, I saw her getting bullied by another group of girls, so I stepped in and stood up for her and our friendship just started from there I guess."

I nod, looking at the gas station as I see Ostin and Wade come walking out.

"She would kill me if she was to find out that you two got involved." I say

"And what are you going to do about it?" Jack asks

"As soon as we get there, just drop me and Ostin off, I'll give you the money, and you guys get out of here." I say "Cause I'm not sure that me and Ostin will make it out."

"Michael, that is not happening. Angel would be devastated if she found out something happened to you." He says

"It's better me than her best friend." I say

He shakes his head, taking the nozzle out and motioning to get into the car.

"We're helping you till the very end, Michael." He says

"That's not necessary Jack." I say

"Well, you can't really stop me. We'll come up with a plan once we see what we're up against." He says


Quentin looks at the computer screen of Cell 25, seeing his sister with her electric wings covering her as she is sitting in a corner.

"Angel, I warned you that he wouldn't hold back." Quentin whispers

"Q, Dr. Hatch is looking for you." Tara says

"Yeah, I know. My father has known where I have been for the past few hours. So if he really needs me that bad, he can come talk to me in here." Quentin states

"Why are you being so cold towards everyone lately?" Tara asks

"Why do you think? My own twin sister, who I thought was gone forever, is back, but is getting tortured by you." He snaps

"It's not my fault that she defied your guys' father." She says

"If you would have never stepped in for your sister and Angel, she wouldn't have been getting this bad of a punishment." He says

Tara looks at Quentin as he continues to stare at the video of Angel. As he can hear the crying coming from her.

"What are you even showing her?" He asks

"You know I can't share that unless Hatch gives you permission." Tara says

"Tara, just tell me. I'm not going to go to my father and tell him that you told me." Quentin starts "Now what are you showing to my sister?"

"Images of her best friend dying then Michael betraying her." She starts "Basically her only fears."

"And she has that fear of Michael betraying her because she thinks I no longer care. She feels betrayed by myself." He mumbles

Quentin looks at Tara and nods, then looks back at his sister as she looks at the camera, her cheeks stained with tears.


"Michael, how did you get in here?" Taylor asks

"We were able to sneak in here disguised as food guys." I say

"How did you get into the cell? They don't use electric locks." The boy, Ian, says

"Michael took care of the lock." Ostin says

"That's not possible. They use airsoft locks." One of the girls, Abi, says

"Somebody must have unlocked it on the main floor." Ian says "Wait, you two had two others with you right?"

"Yeah. Jack and Wade. Why?" I say

"The Elgen just caught them." He says

"Wait, you guys brought Jack and Wade?" Taylor asks

"Yeah." Ostin says

"Angel is going to kill you." Taylor says

I look at her as I hear the door open again, I look back and see Hatch come walking in.

"Good to see you again Michael." He says

"Wish I could say the same thing." I says "Where's Angel?"

"If you'll come with me, you can see her." He says

"Michael, don't do it." Ostin says

"I need to make sure Angel is alright." I say

They look at me as I motion for Hatch to lead the way.


"Glad you decided to come up here with us." He says

"Where's my sister?" I ask

"You mean my daughter?" He asks

"Where is she? I want to see her." I say

He turning his computer around to show me Angel in a cell looking type of thing, sitting in the corner, her wings surrounding her.

"What are you doing to her?" I ask

"Don't worry about it dear Michael." He says "We're here to talk about you."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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