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"Michael, you know Jack won't let anything happen to me." I say

"How can you be so sure? He bullies both me and Ostin." Michael says

"I'm trying to make him a better person! I'm trying my best." I say

I look at Michael through the mirror as I clip my mother's locket in place, and start to mess with the ring she gave me when I was young.

"And how is that going?" He asks

"Michael, please just stop." I say quietly "I'm only going to help him with some of his homework today."

"And where are you meeting him?" He asks

"He's picking me up in about 2 minutes, then we're going to the park." I say

Michael looks at me, walking up behind me, placing a kiss to my temple.

"I just don't like him. But if you can really see the good in him, then fine. Maybe one day, he'll stop." He says

I hear a car honk outside, and I walk to the door.

"I love you Michael. Let mom know I'll be home later." I say

"Love you too Angel!" He yells after me

I walk towards the stairs and nearly run into Ostin.

"Hey Ang." He says

"Hey." I say

"Is that Jack's car I hear down there?" He asks

"Yeah. Sorry. Just walk in, Michael is probably playing video games already." I say

"Alright. Thanks." He says

I nod then hurry to the stairs and run down, hurrying to the passenger side of Jack's car, getting in.

"Took you long enough." He says

"Shut up Jack. I was talking to Michael." I say

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He says

I roll my eyes, buckling up as he pulls the car out of the driveway.

"How's the home life? Any better?" I ask

"What do you think? Only good thing about home is when Wade is over. My dad is always drinking." He says

I look out the window and bite my bottom lip, not exactly knowing what to say.

"Angel, I really do appreciate you and everything you do for me. But we both know my home life is never going to get better." He says

"Yeah. But I can still hope that you one day get the dad that you deserve." I say

"Listen to you. You're here talking about how I deserve a better dad, and your here, never really having a dad." He says

I laugh softly and look over at him.

"I do have a dad, but I don't associate with him anymore." I say "Michael's mom took me out of that situation before he could do anything to me."

"Exactly. You have a loving mother. And you have Michael as a brother." He says

I smile and look out the window again.

"We're just lucky to have each other." I say

"Anybody who has you in their life is lucky to have you." Jack says


"Hatch?" Sharon says, looking as three people get out of the car

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