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A flash of lightening tore through the night sky, clouds began to loom over head and rain lightly fell on her head. Pain engulfed her as she stared down at her precious squirming bundle. She lowered her head and began to lick the kit's fur, soflty cooing to calm the kit. It's too dangerous, she thought to herself.

"Goodbye my darling, I will always love you." She lifted her head and began to walk away from her bundle. The squirming kit was her first born and knowing that a drought was coming, she couldn't bear to see it in pain, even though it meant giving up her world. The kit's crying rang through her ears. Pain stabbed at her and forced her to turn back. 

"I'm sorry, I will see you again. I promise this." She savoured the few seconds she had left of seeing her bundle for the last time. The loud mewing had arroused the humans; lights shone from the place she had been standing. I will see my baby again, I will. Promising this to herself, she raced back to camp.

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