Ouran High School Host Club Oneshots

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   Serah Allan stood outside a large, ornate door once again, and was once again not moving. She was frozen with fear, her slim figure almost lost in the dress ordered two sizes too big for her. Sighing, she moved to walk away when the door swung open, throwing itself in her path and effectively knocking her off of her feet.

                Her waves of pale blond hair swung around her shoulders, emphasizing how small she really was. A tall boy, followed by two identical twins, walked out of the door and jumped when he saw the state she was in.

                “Are you okay Miss... Miss... I don’t know your name. But are you okay, Miss?” the tall one said, his blue eyes sparkling with curiosity and mischief. He extended his hand and pulled Serah off of the floor. Blushing, she muttered her name.

                “Serah Allan. My name is Serah.” Her small voice petered out near the end, losing all of the melodies it held. She bowed lightly, thanking him, and ran away.


                “Tamaki, who was that girl?” Hikaru asked me, throwing one of his sarcastic glances my way. I shrugged, hiding my intrigue. I wanted to know also, of course. But I barely caught her name before she ran away. Her hair and her eyes.., her shy mannerisms... I wanted to know her. She was new. An enigma, you might call her. I snapped out of my trance as a cake came flying at my face.

                “Alright, who threw it?!” I yelled, looking around at each man in the room. The twins were taking turns hiding behind each other, while Kyouya just kind of stood there. Mori and Honey were off being childish... So that left...

                Another slab of cake hit me square in the back of the head. I turned to see Haruhi Fujioka duck behind a doorway. “Haruhi!” I yelled, throwing down a pillow in anger as I began to chase her. She ran off, quickly hiding behind Honey and Mori. I shrunk back as she did so.

                “Please don’t do that Haruhi... That’s most unpleasant.” I said, making my voice tiny as I articulated my speech. She stuck her tongue out at me and laughed, clapping me on the back as I watched her boyish figure walk away.


                I pulled Kyouya’s computer off of a desk, and accessed our school’s attendance files. Ouran Academy only had a handful of girls whose names started with ‘S’, and all of the profiles were complete with picture and a general bio.

                Sarah Asher.

                Samantha Kirr.

                Serah Allan.

                Shimmer Salve.

                Siri Salvatore.


                “Serah Allan! There she is!” I stared at the little picture on the screen in wonderment, memorizing her face.  Long, pale blond hair, green eyes, and about 5 foot 4. How cute! I bit my lip, my smile stretching across my face. I’d find her. She was captivating. But apparently also crushingly shy, which explained why she ran from me.

                Serah. Serah Allan. I’ll make you know me.


                “Oh mom,  I want to come home. I’m so lonely here. I haven’t made one single friend yet... Please can I come back?” Serah whispered into her pink cell phone. She was tired of Ouran Academy and all of its cruel girls.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2012 ⏰

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