Love-sick Fool

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“Harry, can I speak to you for a moment?” Louis sat down on the grass beside him, playing with the buttons on his pants.

He let out a quiet laugh. “That was a silly question. I um..” Louis paused then cleared his throat. “I need to tell you something that I’ve been bottling up for years and it’s been killing me inside.”

Louis shifted his position to get more comfortable. 

“Just let me do all the talking before I back out of this again.” He smiled and layed down on his stomach, resting his head in his hands. 

“You know how we have the whole Larry Stylinson thing going on? Well… I um… it made me realize a few things. I’ll understand if you won’t want me to be around you after this. I uh.. I..” Louis stopped, looking for the proper words. 

“I’m in love with you.” his hand flew to cover his mouth, shocked that he finally had said it.

Harry stayed silent, and Louis looked away.

“You make me feel special Harry. I feel accepted around you, like I can be myself, and you won’t judge me. That’s what I like.” Louis sat there looking at the ground, playing with the grass.

“I love how I can always turn to you for a laugh, and you can instantly tell when I’m upset. I love how you deal with me being such a slob, and you always clean up after me. I love how you always cook for me, because you’re too scared I’ll set the house on fire.” Louis let out a small giggle before continuing. 

“I love your smile, Harry. It’s so contagious, and it makes me feel all fuzzy inside when you look at me with your big green eyes, smiling like there’s no tomorrow. And your laugh..” he smiled “Your laugh is so.. perfect. It makes me feel happy inside when I make you laugh. You look so happy and everything seems so perfect.”

Still, Harry was silent, basically speechless. Louis didn’t seem to mind, he kept talking anyway.

“Oh, and your hugs are amazing. I love being so close to you, holding you in my arms. I love the smell of your cologne.” 

Silence filled the air as Louis sat there thinking.

“I love you Harry, I could go on all day about you. There’s just something different about you. You make me feel like the luckiest guy alive, even though we’re just friends. Though the moments when you hold my hand, give me love bites, hug me closely, it makes me get the crazy feeling that somehow you could possibly love me back. That’s why I’m talking to you right now. Acting like a love-sick fool and spilling my heart and soul to you.” Louis stood up and wiped the grass off his legs.

“Just one moment.” He whispered as he walked away.

A couple minutes later he came back holding various sorts of flowers.

“I love you Haz, I really do. I just wish I could of told you sooner.” Tears filled his eyes as he leaned down and placed the flowers on Harry’s grave.

“I’ll see you again some day.” He kissed his fingers and set it on Harry’s name.

“I love you, don’t ever forget that…”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2012 ⏰

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