Chapter one

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''In this time in my life i don't know where it begins or ends. I'm lost in this world and my hopes of ever finding my mother is gone. But i pray to god not for long." "Moving to this small town only months ago made me feel surrounded by cancerous people. Trying not to be hospitalized by the insanity of this world. I don't know what to do anymore."

I said to myself as i sat in this lonely house by myself, as the darkness from outside fill the inside. Since i didn't have anything else to do i laid comfortably on the couch that was in the living room and i turned on the TV.

While playing with the two strings on my red flannel pajamas pant's. The TV show Misfits resonating throughout the living room. but the only thing i could think about was the first day of school starting tomorrow, i would be the new kid kind of but not really.

All of a sudden the lights went off only seconds later howling surrounds the house. Making me terrified of what might be outside. then suddenly the lights and TV came back on as if what ever was outside wanted me to hear it and be afraid like one of those scary movies trailers or as if it was introducing its self, or wanted to be known.

Silence was all that followed but my body overpowered my mind and led me onto the porch, only lit by one light bulb and the other flickered. I grabbed the flashlight that was on the table outside. looking into the night sky I see that the sun has gone to rest and the moon is high in the sky, filling it with shiney with darkness and . Fog spreads through out the woods as of it was searching for a lost souls beyond the trees.

The sky twinkled with small stars, the woods always looked different at night. Making my way through my gate leaving it opened while walking into the woods I could no longer see the lights from the porch. All of sudden another ear piercing howl rings closely through the trees. My breath catches in my throat as I freeze, paralyzed with fear as I listen. Sticks break loudly behind me as I whirled around looking out into the dark night, my eyes searching for a squirrel, raccoon, anything small that could explain the noises.

A rustle in a pair of bushes beside me, startles me and I look closer. A shadow stands out, barley visible to the naked eye. ''What the hell is that?" I mumbled. Stepping closer to the bushes, a pair of yellow glowing eyes popped out at me, causing me to jump and fall on my ass. Slowly getting back to my feet I scream backing away as the figure of a large black wolf shines beneath the moonlight, stepping out of its hiding place.

It watched me quietly almost as if it was analyzing my next move, waiting for me to run. I took small, slow steps backwards but stepped on a twig making it snap loudly. looking up at the humongous wolf, it seems to give me a sort of grin.

My eyes widen as I turned around running like hell, dodging trees and jumping over branches , faster than I jump to conclusions. My foot gets caught on a large root and I fall to my face, scrapping my knee and cutting my forehead. I flipped my back onto the ground and take in my surroundings, my heavy breathing is the only sound I hear besides the crickets that could be heard.

A twig snaps to my left so I scrambled up to my feet and start running in the opposite direction that it was coming from. Seconds later all I hear were two pair of feet galloping and my heart beating from my chest. A sharp pain fills my body as its large jaws clamps down on my leg and pulls me back.

I cry out in pain as I am thrown to the ground, my leg gushes blood and my head pounding from fear. I couldn't escape this, there was no way out. It stalks towards me, its sharp canine's dripping with blood and drool. it lunges towards me but is tackled by a white wolf with glowing blue eyes.

My eye sight flickers black as i struggle to keep them open. Sounds of growling and snarling are loudly sounding throughout the woods. Tears fall from my eyes as I think about my father and how depressed he would be if I died out here.

All sounds die out. Except for my quiet sobs as the white wolf approaches me the last thing I see before I pass out. Is that a wolf turn into a man?

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