Chapter 2: Strange things

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Beep, beep, beep, the sound the alarm scared me causing me to jump up I pain. I finally woke up from the nightmare i was reminiscing about. The never ending pain from to my head to Toe i thought i wouldn't remember last night. The pain let alone the chase but i did.

I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was going on in this town. Those wasnt ordinary wolves, these things were bigger than me. They were beautiful but they terrifying creatures that i was afraid of and never wanted to see again.
"Watari wake up you have to get for school" my dad cried out. I turned around in my bed to see my alarm. 6:10 appeared before my eyes, I slowly got up out of bed aching in pain making my way to the shower. As soon as I took off my clothes and let the hot water hit my body all I saw was blood falling from the back of my head to the bottom of my feet. Right then and there I freaked out. All I could think was how did I get in the house let alone in my bed if I was past out, outside? All of a sudden I started getting a massive headache and flashbacks of last night that followed. They started coming in order which I thought was very unusual. The first flashback was when i was laying on the couch and heard the howls, second was when I went outside to check it out and went too far from home into the woods, third was when I saw something and started running fast as hell but it caught up and bit me, and last thing I know I fell and hit my head on something hard and then I notice the thing that bit me was a wolf because it jumped on top of me but then all of a sudden there was two fighting off in the distance then one of them turned into a human and I blacked out. At that moment I smiled because I thought I was going insane and that it was all in my head.

But the pain was too real and every thing added up I was pretty sure that those flashbacks was real. When I looked down at my leg where I was bit it a bruse as if the wolf never bit me but as it hit me so hard. I wasn't sure about what happened at all anymore.

After 10 minutes of taking a shower I stepped out and put on my clothes. My black Adidas shirt blends perfectly with my thigh-ripped jeans and my white converse along with my black painted lips. Checking myself in the mirror once more, I make my way downstairs where my dad is waiting for me in the truck. As I made my way outside I realize that the moon was full and over the trees and the sun was barley peeking over the horizon. The fog was still thick as if it was searching for a lost soul making it hard for you to see far a head of you. The only thing you could see was dad's hummer and the street light that was before me. I scramded my way to the truck jumping in with one big push from the ground. Making our way through the woods on the dirt road just six minutes down the road. The sun finaly breaking through the tree's.

Just staring through the woods as we was driving was so peaceful. In a matter of seconds i saw somthing white run through the woods but i couldn't make it out so i just turned my head back to the dirt road and then bam.

The truck hit something and we end up swerving trying not to hit any thing else. But what ever we hit went flying. Trying to look around my surroundings to find what ever we hit i couldnt find while i was in the truck.

Without any hasataion i jumped out the truck to see what we hit i went to the back first and there was noting. I finally made my way to the front and spotted a overly size, Beautiful white wolf with blue eyes. If i was correct im sure that was the wolf that save me last night and turned into a man.

I took more steps towards it hope to get a better look and i got exactly what i ask for. I stood maybe three feet away from it as it was slowly getting up.

"Watari step away from it!" My dad said but i felt drawn to it i couldnt move my self even if i wanted to. The wolf suffered its way onto all fours and came so close to me but i wasnt frighten at all. I kneeld down and so did it.

"Watari king i said step away from it now!" My dad said once again. Me and the over sized wolf stood there and stared in each others eyes as if we was doing a staring contest. Within those moments its eyes turned from blue to yellow to blue again. I wanted to fall back but i couldnt i felt scared again as i did in the car but i couldnt move.

Then all of a sudden the wolf put his heavy paw on my right shoulder then i felt this weird and stinging sensation in my eyes i rubed my eyes and looked in to the wolf eyes and saw my reflection in its and they were yellow. Then it just put its paw down and just stared at me as if it was trying to say some thing but i was totally clueless and scared at the fact my eyes turned yellow.

All of a sudden i hear a loud bang like the sound of a gun. The wolf and i eyes departed i look behind me where the song came from. It was my dad with a gun in his hand raised to the sky. But when i turned back I saw the White Wolf Run Away in the early mist.

The further away the wolf ran the more I felt our bond we weakened like he was never there. "Watari are you okay? My father said as he ran up to me and pulled me up from the ground. "why wouldn't you move when I told you to? I was stuck like, I couldn't move, I felt Frozen! I said as I looked at my dad in the eyes watari are you wearing contacts? "no why?

At the moment I knew what exactly my dad was seeing, my yellow eyes!

" because your eyes are yellow!" " I don't know why! My eyes are burning right now." " forget the first day of school I'm taking you to the doctor! Within minutes the sheriff and his yellow-eyed daughter was in the Polk County clinic with Shades covering my eyes every one in the clinic looked at us. But for some reason I felt like they could see right through me, as if they could see the yellow eyes, but within the glasses.

After 20 more feet through the wide Halls we finally approached Miss Torres doctor's office. As we walk through the front door of Miss Torres office she stopped in her tracks and was facing her cabinets. The moment I walked in the room I felt something wasn't right. I felt this familiar presents as the wolf and in the woods but the Vibes was weaker . I thing they was somehow connected or as if it were of the same species but one in human form kind of like the dude I saw last night before I blacked out.

She slowly turned around with hesitation in her every step. Her voice trembles as she asks "What seems to be the problem?"

There's something off about her I got to figure this out. So before my father could say anything I said. "Hi my name is watari and about 30 minutes ago I developed a stinging sensation in my eyes and my eyes started glowing yellow, what's going on with me? I had to make it seem that I wasn't on to her so I acted sweet and scared but I was on to her big time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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