Chapter Four: Our Finest Dreams

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"Rachel, I cannot believe you did that." Kurt opened his locker, sighing exaggeratedly. Rachel, who was leaning against the locker beside Kurt's, began rambling, talking with her hands the animated way that Rachel was known for doing.

"It was quite brilliant, really. I mean, now you guys will have an excuse to spend time with Blaine, and then you guys can fall in love and then you will get married and live happily ever after, effectively end the feud between the Hummels and the Andersons for the rest of eternity."

"This sounds an awful lot like Romeo and Juliet, Rach, and I kind of want to live to see my next birthday, thank you very much." Kurt quipped with a roll of his eyes.

"Aw... Come on, Kurt. You like Blaine. And I am willing to bet that he likes you, too. You guys are so perfect for each other."

"I barely know the kid, Rachel." Kurt said dismissively, pulling out a textbook from his locker and shoving it in his messenger bag.

"All the more reason to get to know him!" Rachel squealed excitedly. "I'm a genius, this is totally going to work."

"No, it's not. I'm talking to Mrs. Ewald tomorrow and having Blaine moved to a different group. End of discussion." Kurt turned away from Rachel, slamming his locker shut and beginning to pace down the hallway. Rachel reached out to stop Kurt, walking down the hall with him, frantically trying to deter Kurt's thoughts.

"No! No, Kurt, don't you dare. You know, in a couple years when you two are married, you'll be thanking me for this."

"Highly doubtful." Kurt huffed, an amused smirk tugging at his lips.

Suddenly, Rachel grabbed onto Kurt's forearm, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. Rachel whipped around and called out to a girl pacing down the adjacent hall.

"Mercedes! Hey, Cedes! Come help me knock some sense into our Kurtsie dearest!"

"What's going on?" Mercedes said as she met up with the pair. Kurt squirmed out of Rachel's grip with a glare before addressing Mercedes, his voice flat and irritated.

"We have a project coming up in trig, and Rachel here decided it would be a good idea to invite Blaine to join our group."

"The new transfer kid? Hot damn. Go Rachel!" Mercedes grinned, but her expression changed when she saw Kurt's. "Wait, is he gay?"

"Yes, he bats for my team, but he's also an Anderson."

"Oh." Mercedes muttered, her eyes widening with sudden understanding. "Wow. What a stroke of awesome luck, huh?"

"Well, I wouldn't call it luck..." Kurt mumbled, looking down and away.

"Wait..." Mercedes said, a smile gradually appearing on her face. "Do you like him, Kurt?"

"I..." Kurt paused, the words "I do" just begging to leave his lips. He shook away the urge however, avoiding the question to the best of his ability without lying. "I just met the kid."

"Oh my God. Kurt has a crush!" Mercedes squealed, bouncing on her heels. Kurt rolled his eyes, speeding forward down the hallway, the door to his next class in eyesight as the turned a corner.

"You both are idiots. I would never even be able to be so much as friends with Blaine. My dad would kill me."

"But if you like each other..." Rachel trailed, her voice going up suggestively.

"But Blaine probably-"

"Shut up." Mercedes interrupted, speaking to Kurt in a clipped, demanding tone. "You're doing the project with Rachel and Blaine. You're going to bond with him, become the best of friends, and then fall in love, get married, and have beautiful, sexy babies."

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