The End

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As all was.

The silence in art spoke loud over the voices that refused to turn their minds- they'd been blinded by their perception of symmetry.

Where has balance gone?


Time of Recording: Early Morning

Climate: Continues to increase in warmth after each passing night cycle. Evidence of a Spring in all location(s) studied, believed to be once deceased area(s) of planets surface.

Record Keeper: Form Wynter

I found recordings from those who last surfaced, speaking of catastrophic occurrences that seemed to have happened within minutes in their realities. They are written as they were, now as they are in the recordings of the surfaces' Monarchy.

Small bits and pieces of evidence; where a world cries, and the reaction is:

Why haven't you stopped crying?

and never-

How could we of let this happen?

They all seemed to have gone ignored, as they are now. This world will continue as it always was.

That is the reality they wish for themselves, it cannot be helped. I won't stop them. I only hope that the garden I've been growing in this homes greenhouse will help feed all the life that's beginning to thaw out around me.


(Record of: Last Martian)

Depending on where you stood on Earth at this moment, it happened on a day recorded as December 21, 2021.

They spoke of an Apocalypse, the End of Times, Armageddon- it was always something else.

The devil's that hid in the cracks of the world came out of hiding. Time once again acted in its own chaotic defense, and without hesitation, the first domino fell forward. The butterflies flying on the edges of Earth flapped their wings in retaliation, but the force of many stood before the one- it was all too late.

Humans willed it, so it was. Just as our kind has always been.

The decision of one allowed the cruel fate of many humans to take its course, whether you believe change begins within or around you, the ladder was always grounded on thin ice.

This world now sits covered in ice- frozen in place, as it should.

This was my own doing and this is how I will end. This is how I left Mars, before its atmosphere was absorbed into my time machine. It was only fitting the last of my kind is to end the moment I began, the moment I knew and realized, I was the devil hiding in the cracks of the earth.

The time machine was my undoing. I was so caught in this idea that I could change everything somehow, more realities than just my own.

I did not realize then that I was changing my reality so much. I looked in the past to fix the mistakes of those before me. What I found there is that I couldn't keep altering the outcomes of past events without draining my own essence.

Each one event I would fix, one battle I would prevent, was a thousand more realities I would have to alter.

In altering one of those thousands only seemed to add hundreds of thousands more.

Realities became abundant. I ran to the future in my time machine, looking for an answer in how to find peace between all of the differing realities.

It was there that I found nothing.

I wished to have made it to you all in time. There was much you still needed to know that I wasn't able to share with you before. I looked back, I looked forward, I never allowed myself the time to look around.

And that's all it was; time. The answer was time. Those around me were always telling me about the importance of time, so much so that I neglected it. I created it, only to fool it.

I clearly see the error in my ways, now that every one and thing I once believed to be the truth of my reality has gone away.

I hid safe in my space ship for too long, away from the words, the realities; where I could set my time machine to any way I wanted to see the world and other worlds like it.

I let my reality deteriorate so I could make everyone's reality a happy reality, something content and pure- something good. I could fool them into believing that if we are to be the creators of time itself, what stops us from being able to create more of it?

But I took you all with me in doing that. You saw all the realities and the nothing that lies at its end, the nothingness that I created.

I remember a moment where I appreciated time, how could I of lost us?

I'm sorry to have taken this away from you- this understanding of time and the importance of it.

Had I seen it then with my world; my family, my friends, all that I have loved, as we crowded into the ship I created that took the life from Mars- it was always so clear.

Yet I looked away.

For that, for everything- I'm sorry.

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