Day 1: Counting Sheep

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Day 1:

My name is Katie. I'm at this large white building. It's called an institute. I guess that's kind of like a school. It must be hard to get into this school, because sometimes I see other 'students' leave. I've been here for a while, so I must be very smart.

They gave me my own room, its small but it makes me feel safe. Its got tall walls with a window on one of them. This window is pretty high, so all that I see come out of it is a faint, blurred light. They let me out of my room during the day, but at night they put me back and lock the doors. I asked them why, but all they said was that It keeps me from getting hurt (whatever that means.)

Today the teacher, "Nurse Lisa" (it was name tag on her white jacket), gave me this book. She said it's just for me, and I can't let anyone read it. She said I have to write down something everyday. So this is my first writing. And, I think "Nurse" is a weird first name.

I met this girl today. She's new. Nurse said I should be friends with her. I tried to talk to her today when I was in the play room, but she wouldn't talk. I still don't know her name.

Well Nurse says I have to go to bed, she's locking the door. I'll write another entry tomorrow.




A conversation between the head of the mental institution and Nurse Lisa (Day 1):

Head of M.I. : "Hello, Lisa. Welcome. Could you give me an update on the physical/mental state of the current patients that you are managing at this time?"

Nurse Lisa.: "Ah, yes. We've got Alexandra in solitary Confinement at this moment, but our plans are to release her back to her cell tomorrow, depending on how tonight goes. 'Bipolar Disorder' is a very severe condition in her case, and it seems that there may be no cure for her, just relentless treatment for when she lashes out. Tomorrow morning, we will also start Katie on a new medication for her "Borderline Personality Disorder", and hope that it decreases the number of times that she lashes out on others or herself. (Which could have something to do with her self inflicted injuries.) We're still keeping a close eye. She seems stable enough to be in the playroom tomorrow for the full time period, but we'll see how that goes."

Head of M.I.: "Excellent work. Keep me updated, Lisa. Thank you."


Katie placed the journal on the bedside table. The hallway light was blocked from the outside, and thankfully; Katie hated the lighting in the hospital. It was too bright and hurt your eyes, like the sun, if you stared into it for too long.

Pressing her head against the uncomfortable pillow, and pulling the sheet to her shoulders, Katie lay motionless on the bed and stare blankly at the concrete ceiling. She watched the suddle lights that shot from the window, indicating cars driving past the institute. She counted the lights that passed by her window, just like children who count sheep, and she soon drifted into a deep slumber.

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