chapter 2

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The scp stop humming that song while the 1 guard undid his collar the man that looked like a plague doctor from the 15th, 16th century was just looking at me up and down like a hunter watching it pray or at least studying it's pray. He sat down on the other side of the table. " umm h-hello there" to tell the truth I was scared.

He hasn't responded to me. " umm you n-not much o-of a talker sir? " I ask him he seems to be smiling? under the mask that he's waring.
" I do not sense the disease in you "
He said calmly " umm the last time I remember....I wasn't sick?" I chuckled  " are you a doctor dear? " i starred
" no.. no I am not but I know a little bit of it though " he nodded " what is your name my lady? " he ask I blush a little  " umm my name is y/n but they call me D-4049" I said to him " quite interesting I don't think, I known any other class D's know there number names " he chuckled.

Time skip after about 2 hour

We were talking about thing that we both in joy but our time was up now, I was about to walk to the door when I felt a hand on my arm I turn my head around to see doc's hand on my arm all of a sudden the 2 guards came in and yell " scp - 049 release D-4049 now!" I looked back it him he then asked me something " will you come back to talk again? " he asked In a whispering voice to me I nodded to as to say ' yes I will ' he then let go and I got dragged out of the room.

The doctor's asked me questions like ' are you ok ' or ' how are you not dead ' and ' wut did he said to you ' I did not answer them because they were asking to many at a time but also I got dragged to my cell when I was about to answer them the last question.

I sighed out of boredom then dr. Houston came in and ask me the same questions as the other's did but slower so I can answer him. He then ask me this " how did you hear him he basically didn't say Anything to hear?" I froze " I..... I have good hearing haha." I said nervously to him I didn't want to to be ask questions all the time or watch too. He just Humm to himself like he didn't believe me and he didn't.

" are you sure about that y/n" he used your name why did he said my name.
" umm yes dr. Houston why?". Because what is this then." He replayed a video of me shape shifting. I froze at the video of me doing wut I do all the time when I'm by myself at home or in the forest. " how d-did you get a video of me doing that" I ask coldly to him.

Time skip again XD

I was now a scp. number well It's the same its just in instead of D its scp- 4049 this sucks. Two lab cot people came in my cell and talk to me and I talked back to them. " hey can you turn into a lion? " the girl ask I nodded and I shifted into a lion but a black one. they where shock but started petting me and writing down stuff? Weird.. they left after a while and ya alone again.

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