Chapter 3

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Connor's Pov:

There was a weird light on top of her head. Everyone gasped.

"All hail Brooke Shor, daughter of Poseidon." Chiron said and everybody bowed. It was awkward.

Percy came from behind and escorted her to the Poseidon table. Everyone was silent for a long time.

And then suddenly Apollo flashed (no pun intended) with Aphrodite besides him, smiling.

"Hello everybody! We are her to announce that we will be having a Karaoke tonight." He said flashing his grin.

Everyone groaned and for a moment no body remembered that there was another Poseidon child sitting between them. That was good because now he could admire the said person's features.

"We already have selected some people but you are free to participate." Apollo said and then Aphrodite continued,

"And to those who are selected no backing out. We will choose a song for you on the stage. Me for girls and Apollo for boys." the girls groaned cause knowing Aphrodite, she would probably choose some cheesy romantic songs. As if reading their minds, she said,

"Not all the songs are going to be romantic . Don't worry."

" The Hephaestus and Athena cabin will prepare the stage. And all your Olympian parents will come to see you. Until then, Adios!" Apollo said and then he disappeared in a flash of light (again no pun intended) and Aphrodite in a poof leaving behind traces of perfume that would want you to gag.

Travis's Pov:

After the two God's sudden appearance, he was both excited and scared. He was going to ask Katie-Kat for a date today.

They had gotten on better terms now. As if on cue, Katie came towards him, a beautiful smile on her face. He couldn't hel but stare.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked.

He blushed when he realised that he had been staring at her and that she noticed.

", I was wondering who are the selected people."

She smiled ever so slightly, and did something unexpected. She kissed him on the cheek. He felt even more blood rise in his cheeks, and quickly turned away so she couldn't see him blush. She waved off and went to her cabin.

He was still in daze as he touched the spot where Katie had kissed him, and Connor decided to poke him at that moment.

"Are you thinking about Katie again?" Connor asked.

"Nooo. What made you think I am?"

"You have that dreamy face every time you do, so I thought.."

"So your girlfriend is a daughter of Poseidon huh?" He said trying to divert the topic.

"She's not my girlfriend! We just met for gods sake." Connor was blushing.

Travis raised an eyebrow a smirk dancing on his lips.

"I was wondering if Percy will approve."

"Shut up!" Connor said and ran away.

Travis just laughed. Just then he heard it. Katie's shout.


"STOLLS! WHY DID YOU PUT BLEACH IN MY SHAPOO?" She said as she stormed out of the cabin..with blonde hair. It didn't look bad though.

"You don't look bad with blonde hair,Katie-kat" he said smirking.

"Ugh! Stupid Stoll." She said and came near him.

Very close. She was very close. He had the sudden urge to kiss her. She looked cute when she was angry. Her green eyes shone with anger, eyebrows scrunched up.

He lifted her bridal style. She shrieked.

"Travis Stoll! Put me down right now." She said while kicking, trying to escape. When he didn't, she just punched him in his biceps.

"Why do you have to be so darn muscular!" He heard her say.


"Nothing, now are y-" she started but he cut her off by kissing her. On the lips.

At first she tensed, but just gave in. Their lips moved in sync as she wrapped her hands around his neck and started messing with his hair. He wrapped his hands around her waist.

Sparks were flying all around his body. He had kissed many girls, but this was different. None of the kisses sent sparks all around his body. And he knew it, Katie was the special girl.

They were kissing like that for what felt like hours , but were only minutes.

They broke apart and heard demigods cheering. Someone he guessed as one of the Aphrodite girls said something like 'Tratie' and 'finally'.

~~line break brought to you by Apollo~~

Travis was wondering around the camp, unable to forget the moment when he kissed Katie Gardner.

He saw Annabeth ordering some Hephaestus children for setting something on the stage. He had to admit, they were doing a great job.

Annabeth saw him and smiled. He waved and signed a thumbs up.

And then Apollo flashed again.

"Hey Demigods! The selected people are: Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Travis Stoll, Connor Stoll, Katie Gardner and Brooke Shor. Anyone else willing to participate?" He said.

Travis groaned. He was selected too?

Nobody (haha. Nobody) raised their hands. Everyone seamed to like the contestants.

"Don't worry, even if your voice is bad, you all will do well" Apollo said flashing his brightest smile.

He didn't think of it. He had never sung before.

"The rules are clear everybody?" He heard Apollo say.

All the participants nodded including him.


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