Take Me to Church

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Chapter 04 -

This one was drawn by midnight_pink

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This one was drawn by midnight_pink

For Joseph's dismay, Saoirse had disappeared for more than two weeks.

But the next week there was a social call for Joseph.

The woman who entered his door was the same ginger that had been wearing men's clothes, but was now wearing a very flattering silky navy blue dress, with a tight corset and unbound red hair.

And was striking even with her arm in a plaster. Her black eye was nearly gone.

"I'll leave you two alone." said Treves, sounding smug.

He shut the door.

"Saoirse, you disappeared."

"And so did my black eye."

The silence rumbled. Both sat at the tea table.

"You look beautiful. You wear your hair different than all women and I like that."

"I don't do it for your benefit. I do it because it pleases me."

"Then, you've made the right choice." he tried to smile.

Saoirse's face brightened the color of strawberries. She realized he was different. Not so easy to intimidate.

"I missed you, Saoirse."

Was it possible? Was it possible she was falling for that deformed man? She had men at her feet! Oh, Goddess!

Then she started to cry.

"I'm sorry. I've been working like mad to raise funds to get back to Ireland."

"What?" asked Joseph, suddenly abashed.

"I meant to tell you."

"Saoirse, do not go." begged Joseph, holding her uncasted hand with his normal-looking one. "You barely arrived," said Joseph, distraught. "Don't go away."

"You just said I barely arrived?" inquired Saoirse, acidly. "I've been living here all my life. Since Mother died from childbirth and Father became an inveterate alcoholic. It's high time I left this stinky place."

"I've been waiting for you..." Joseph rose from his chair with his cane, not without difficulty, due to his damaged hip "I waited for three weeks. At first, you were nice to me."

She lowered her eyes.

"What is happening here, Joseph? It's not like we can constitute a family."


But Joseph was used to more pain than that and stood his ground. After all, every illusion faded.

"So that's what you are."

She looked at him, inquisitive.

"A lie."

"I'm no liar!"

"I didn't say that, my Saoirse. And I want you happy."

She bit her lip.

"Perhaps... You could... come with me?"

Joseph sighed heavily.

"I don't ever want to be in a ship again."

She touched his face, surprising him.

"Not even for me?"

Her emerald eyes were so close, so was her sweet breath. He moved away, cowardly.

"I promise to write." she left the room, sashaying with her dress, tossing her hair and closing the door.

It wasn't as if he didn't feel or care... Or tried not to...

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