New neighbour

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Misaki was talking for the rest of the day how I met Hiwatari Senpai. It wasn't long when the bell rang and it was time for us to go home. 

As I arrived home I decided that I should  pay a visit to my new next door neighbours. I decided to go tonight.

I knocked on the door to the 7B and I was glad someone opened the door, I bowed and said, 

"Hello, my name is Sakura Tanaka I'm going to live next door please take care of me"

Once I looked up to see who it was, it was a boy. Sleek black hair, I thought he reminded of someone that I had met earlier. Then  it came to my mind, oh my gosh it was Hiwatari senpai. I can't believe Hiwatari senpai would be living next door to me. I rushed back to my apartment embarrassed at what I had done.

The next morning i ran into Hiwatari senpai even though there was no coincidence behind that because I live next door to him. As I staggered all the way to where my friends usually wait for me. They were all excited to see me somewhat more excited then usual. I decided to ask them why they were all dazed for.

Misaki replied. "Look behind you"

Not understanding what was going on I looked behind me and I saw him. Akiri, Misaki, Rika and Yuki were swarming with questions all the way to school. 

They were even asking me during lunch so I had to tell the the truth. 

"Hiwatari senpai is..."

Out of no where I was dragged all the way to the roof top. I look to see who it was, it was him, Hiwatari senpai. He said to me "You must never tell anyone that I live next door to you, you got it?"

I had to say yes, it almost looked as if he was threatening me. I walked back to my group of friends, they all suddenly started to crowed around me seeing why all of a sudden Senpai dragged me away. I was at a lost for words until Senpai stepped in and said that I was helping him with some of the music that he was writing.

Thanks to senpai I didn't have to lie to my friends, but I still feel guilty for not telling them. 

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