Chapter 1

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Hey there! The idea of this fanfic stroke me on 1:37 a.m (literally). Hope you like it! Have some virtual cookies (::)(::)(::).

Katie's Pov:

"STOLLS !!" Katie Gardner shouted. The Stolls had pranked her cabin again. And this was by far the worst. The Demeter cabin's once beautiful roof is now covered in gooey chocolate easter bunnies.

Katie stomped out still in her pjs with her teddy bear in her hands. Everyone was out to see the daily karma of the Stolls, and there they were, Travis and   his obnoxious brother Connor laughing their heads off.

"You are so dead Stolls!!" Katie bellowed.

"Oh Kit-kat, don't be so angry. It's just a small prank." The idiot Travis Stoll said.

"Just a prank? Just a prank? "She said." You think it's easy maintaining the roof? You think it's funny? Do you even know how much time and hard work it took to grow those plants, do you Travis?". By the end she had started to cry.

"Hey, I am sorry Katie-kat, I didn't know it took so much hard work. I-" he said and came closer to Katie.

He did look sorry. His beautiful blue eyes looked sorry.

Beautiful? Wtf...

He was close. So close she could feel his breath on her face.

Travis stood 6'1 and she was 5'5, so he had her completely covered.

She so wanted to kiss him, run her hand through his thick curly brown hair. She had had a crush on him since they met. But she was sure he hated her by the way he pranked her and her cabin. So instead she acted smart too.

Everyone were staring at them as if to say just kiss already.

He tugged a strand of her hair in her ear. He. Was. So. Bloody. Close.

And then it happened.

He spilled chocolate on her hair and sprinted fast while laughing. He definitely didnt like her,and now her hair were ruined. How did he get the chocolate and when, she didn't know. But she knew one thing.

Travis Frikin' Stoll is soo dead. How dare he!!

With that thought (and chocolate in her hair), she headed back to her cabin to wash the chocolate off (but not before licking some that was dripping from her auburn hair. Hey! Chocolate is tasty. ) and the rest to do their daily chores disappointed that they didn't kiss.

Nobody asked her questions while she entered the Demeter cabin because they had seen the scene already.

She went into the bathroom and opened the shower, and started to remove the chocolate off. It took time but eventually came off.

~~line break because I am lazy😴~~

Lunch went by in a blur. Chiron announced that they will be having sword training.

Travis and Percy (duh) would be doing the first round.

Travis' Pov:

Travis was getting ready for the practice session with Percy. He was steadying his armor and checking for a sword (He didn't take chances, Percy is after all the best swordsman of the camp. )

Percy came into attack position and Travis into defence, when Percy launched.

They slashed.block.defend.
Travis was a left handed but used his right hand for handling a sword.

He turned to hit Percy and launched. This went on for a while.

They were both right into it, they were sweating from fighting for so long. Block. Slash. Stab. Defend. They weren't using shields, both just had swords, and both had a large cheer squad watching their back. A lot were on Percy's team just because he was Percy, but people were on Travis's team because he actually had a chance of beating Percy. 

Yup. Beating Percy. Now that's what you call being optimistic.

And then Percy did a random move Travis didn't expect. 

He hit Travis in the wrist with the hilt of his sword. Right. There.

He felt his wrist exploding in pain.He  crumpled down and clutched his wrist. He cried in pain as he saw Percy kneeling down and Connor rushing towards him.

Connor's Pov:

Connor rushed to his brother and wrapped his hands around his back, rubbing it soothingly.

Percy was crouched besides Travis concerned.

"Sorry man, didn't know I hurt you that bad. Is it some old injury? Please man say something."

"Percy leave him alone. Please." Connor said. Annabeth came and took Percy off the ground while he rubbed Travis' back. Connor held his wrist lightly rubbing it. Travis as pale and sweating. Connor remembered the day very well.

* flashback*

Travis and Connor were 6 and 5 years old respectively. Their mother had gone out for work and they were alone with their stepfather.

Connor was playing  with the wii when he heard a loud crash. He rushed down stairs and went to the source of the noise.

Travis was crying and he saw a couple broken pieces. He saw a bottle of Rum in his stepfather's hand and realised the source of noise was the bottle's crash.

"Not Connor. Please" he saw Travis cowering in a corner.

"Shut up you Bas***ed." Their stepfather shouted and took Travis' left wrist slamming it into the door. Connor was frozen as he heard a sickening crunch from his brother's wrist. It was bleeding and the evil little brat whom he once called his step father grinned. He had always been   abusive but Travis never complained.

And here he was ,Travis, his big brother, best friend and protector,lying on the ground pale and unconscious and he, Connor Stoll was frozen in the place. He cried and cried and cried .

* end of flashback*

He lifted Travis up and lead him to the infirmary.


Yo people! Hope you like the chapter. Please vote and  comment your views and ideas would be great! R&R.

~CSW ;)

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