Black Dove

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(Trailer on the side by XxMs_AnonymousxX_99)


“Are you afraid yet?”

I stand at the fence, facing certain death with that oily, condescending man sneering beside me. My heart is beating a violent tattoo against my stomach and chest, but I give him my best glare and shake my head vigorously from side to side.

His eyes narrow.  I feel elated, because my final move has been to show him I'm not afraid.. Rough hands drag me and I’m shoved into the fenced in area. One of the owners of the hands gives me a sorrowful glance, like he would do anything to get me out. Useless. I meet his eyes, hoping to give him a rough look for even thinking about pitying me, but then I see his eyes. Green. Dark. Just like hers were…

“Get her in, then.” The fence locks behind me, and the lights darken. Like one of those shows my mother used to put on, with the puppets dancing in the darkness in front of a great light.

A roar sounds, clear and crisp, from the arena. My heart beats faster, which I thought would have been impossible a second earlier. I feel my way to the closest stone wall, using my fingers to feel for any sort of loophole, some sort of handhold that I could pull myself up over the wall with. But the walls are slick, and the bolted gate has already begun to sink into the wall. I turn. I face my death, and hope that I don’t look like a frightened sixteen year old still searching for a way out. But it is dark. They cannot see me. But then again, I was never supposed to be seen.

Black Dove (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now