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Dear Journal,

If i could have any power, it would be flying. I know, i know, you've heard it before. Everybody wants to fly. But as cliche as it is, it's still my favourite power. I'm already strong already, so that is one power crossed off my list.

'That's Dumb' Sammy said bluntly. 'You expect to fly around, in plain sight, all over New York?'

'Why, is that against the law?' I asked.

'No.DO you know what could happen?!' He said, and i could see he was pretending to be serious.

'Somebody could see me?'

'NO!-Er..well, yes, that too...but i was gonna say you'd never find a spot to land on'

'We're surrounded by sky scrapers, Sammy' I rolled my eyes.

' are you gonna live on rooftops? How are you gonna get down?'

'Elevators' I said.

That was yesterday.

I sighed. Mom asked me what's wrong. Then i remembered something. I got up, and walked to my room. I opened my closet door, and started to look through as carefully as i could for something loud and crinkly.

Finally, a small crinkled sounding through my dark closet, and i grabbed the plastic bag, pulling it out.

Mom's husband was a security guard for some science lab somewhere in europe. The lab was attacked often, and many guards were lost. So they made this new protection, called Urban Armor.

He was long dead before he could put it on, and i decided to wear it for him. Well actually i decided to put it on because it was protection, but you get my point.

It was bulletproof white hooded fitted jacket, and it felt really strange and stuffy when i put it on over a white tank i was already wearing. It fit me perfect, almost as if it were made for me. There was weapons belt,empty, and there were bullet proof cargo skinnies in black. There were boots, that were lightweight and flexible. I put all of it on and looked myself over in the mirror. It was easy to move, but it felt stuffy and dizzy . I think it was made so that nothing can get in, or out.

Pulling the hood over my brown hair, it was pretty big. I couldn't see any of my face above my nose. If i pulled it down enough it could cover my whole face. I decided to let the hood stay on my head.

It also had a faint smell to it, but it felt heavy. It made a strange ache in my skull, making me dizzy.

I walked to the kitchen.

Mom was facing the counter, humming something as she washed the dishes. HEy, these boots were great! they didn't make a lot of sound, if any at all.

'Hey' I said, tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around smiling, and i saw her expression chnage into a fearful one in a split second.

She didn't jump and scream, as you'd think so.

DONGG ! The frying pan flew to my head with superhuman speed and My world went black.

Really.I didn't even feel fear, it was so weird. And then it went as fast as it had came, and i looked up into someone's blurry face over mine.

I moaned, reaching up to touch my head and sat up propped on my elbows.

'I'm so sorry,dear! ' She cried. I could see a few tears sliding down her worried face as the image cleared.

I felt my heartbeat banging painfully in my head. 'Oww..How long was i out?' I groaned.

'Y-youre alive!' SHe cried, hugging me tightly. I cried out and pushed her away.

I took a deep breath and stood up.It wasn't really hurting, but it felt throbbing and heavy on the spot where she'd hit me. She kept on apologizing and crying and everything.

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