Part I :: Interviews

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I sat in my office . and fixed my tie . I have an Interveiw today with a young lady Her name is Taylor Brown  she wants to interveiw of me for a paper for a last grade project she goes too UCLA  I dont like Interveiw These People  Wants Too Know Way Too Much . some questions doesnt need to be asked . but since i am helping UCLA invesate in some More Money Funds i agreed to do it . i sat down in my Chair at my Desk . and got a ring to my desk phone . '' Hello This is Jacob Perez CEO of Perez Enterorses Holding company '' i said . wondering why my secartary didnt answer the phone . then someone relpied '' Jacob we need you at the warehouse at 7 O ' colck . '' i heard Chresanto say . i replied '' alright il be there '' i hung up the phone and proceeded into some work . 


I looked at myself  with frustration  in the mirror.  damn taylor for being ill and subjecting me to this I should be studying for my final exams, which are next week, yet here I am trying to figure out what i should wear . Reciting these outfits several times, I attempt, once more,  I roll my eyes in exasperation and gaze  and give up. My only option is to hope that I look semi presentable. taylor is my roommate, and she has chosen today of all days to succumb to the flu. Therefore, she cannot attend the interview she'd arranged to do, with some mega-industri-alist tycoon I've never heard of, for the student newspaper. So I have been volunteered. I have final exams to cram for, one essay to finish, and I'm supposed to be working this afternoon, but no - today I have to drive to L.A. in order to meet the enigmatic CEO of perez Enterprises Holdings Inc.


I push open the door and stumble through, tripping over my own feet, and falling head first into the office.

Double crap - me and my two left feet! I am on my hands and knees in the doorway to Mr. Perez  office, and gentle hands are around me helping me to stand. I am so embarrassed, damn my clumsiness. I have to steel myself to glance up. Holy fuck he's so young.

"Miss Brown ." He extends a long-fingered hand to me once I'm upright. "I'm jacob perez . Are you all right Would you like to sit?"

He's  young and attractive, very attractive. He's tall, dressed in a fine gray suit, white shirt, and black tie with  and intense, bright brown eyes that regard me shrewdly. It takes a moment for me to find my voice.

"Miss Brown is sick, so she sent me. I hope you don't mind, Mr. perez ." "And you are?" His voice is warm, possibly amused, but it's difficult to tell from his impassive expression. He looks mildly interested, but above all, polite. "  Lashaee Johnson . I'm studying English Literature with taylor, um... Miss Brown at UCLA .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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