the pointless story .

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I hate writing stories, but i really have nothing else to do since i have no life or friends, go away you jerk . Reading this will either waste your time or make you laugh. its not a story, its just my thought process . Cause im so kewl like that and i am about to be eaten by a giant panda which is stuck inside the computer . as you can see, i dont like to make plots or whatever that langauge arts vocabulary word is called . whatever . Sooooo, how are you doing? who am i even talking to? ok whatever . If your name begins with a letter from the alphabet , then i am talking strictly to you . I dont know how long this story will go , but i know that half of you reading this will not even reach the end cause you guys are jerks . You make me cry. im calling the police. just kidding, i dont have a phone . cause im that poor . i hear gwen stefani in the backround . i really need a conflict in this story . ok, i got one. This guy , has diabetes . he dies . the end. - audience claps - hows that for a story? my grammar and punctuation is horrible . and you know what else is horrible? idk . by now, half of you already left, unless you really care about me . so whoever got this far , i love you . literally . seriously . and all the other words that end with the letters * ly*.

i really need something to talk about that doesn't have to do with airline food . ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . please dont count the m's in the last word . PLEASE.

i'll do anything, except for the stuff that you are thinking in your head right now you perverts . thats right . i can read minds . i can see the past as well . I can see that you guys clicked a link from facebook that sent you to this pointless story . dude, this is some long ass story, but it is so awesomely awesome . and you know what else is awesome? you . you know why? because you have passed the test and read this far. you are one nice person . i love you even more now .

unless you're a guy. cause im straight,,, so yeah. enjoy the rest of your life .

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