Chapter 5

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"Kaydin. Kaydin wake up I need you to carry Brooklyn inside." Helen shook me awake. I opened my eyes. We were at the hospital. I unbuckled and unlocked my door. I opened the back and and picked Brooklyn up in my arms. She smelled like blood but I didn't care. I held her just like the way I did earlier.

"Kaydin." She whispered my name. Then she coughed more blood on me.

"I'm right here Brooklyn. It's gonna be ok." I knew she wasn't awake but I hoped she would hear me and relax.


"She's still at school." I walked through the hospital doors and straight to the desk.

"How can I help you?" the woman behind the desk asked. She looked about 20. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked at me weirs. I rolled my eyes and told them what happened to Brooke.

"She needs a doctor fast." The girl nodded and stood up from her chair. She went to one of the doctors and started talking to him. I looked back at Brooklyn.

"Kaydin." She whispered again. "My. Head. Hurts. Bad."

"I know baby. You'll be ok though. I promise." She coughed again. This time not as much blood, but still some. The doctor saw her and rushed over with one of those roller beds.

"What's your name?" He asked me. I set Booklyn down on the bed and looked at him, running my fingers through my hair.

"Kaydin Sting."

"And what's your relation to the patient?" He put a breathing mask on Brooke's face and strapped her in.

"I'm her boyfriend." he nodded and looked at Brooke.

"What's her name?"

"Brooklyn Mych." He rolled her down the hall and I followed. I saw Helen come through the doors and run after us. The doctor must have saw too.

"Who are you and what is your relation to Brooklyn?"

"My name is Helen Mych and I'm her mother. Is she going to be ok?" Helen looked at me with worried eyes.

"I'm not sure yet. But from what Catherine told me she probaly has very low blood in her system. Or very high. We'll have top do some test." He wheeled Brooke into a room and looked at me. I nodded and picked her up, placing her on the comfortable bed. "Only one of you can stay in here. The other will have to sit in the waiting room."

"You can stay Kaydin. I have to call Brandon and get him to pick up Trey and Anna from school." She rushed out the room, already dialing a number.

"Who are they?" the doctor asked me. He stuck IVs into Brooklyn's arms.

"Brandon's her dad. Trey is her brother...Anna is our daughter." He looked at me confused.

"How old is Anna?" I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair again. I always did that when I was nervous.


"And how old are you two?" he looked at Brooke and then at me.

"Eighteen." It wasn't that I was ashamed at having Anna so young, just a little embaressed. His eyes widened and he nodded his head. Brooke coughed again, less blood than the last time. I closed my eyes. I hoped Donnie would go to jail for this shit.

"Well. She seems to be losing less and less blood each time. So we're going to asume that she'll keep this pattern up. We are going to have to do blood work however. Do you know if you two match up?" I nodded my head. I knew that because we had to do blood types in Lab a few weeks ago. Me and Brooklyn were the only two that matched up with their lab partner. "Well that's good news then! We'll have you donate it and then give it to Brooklyn." I opened my eyes.

"Um. Doctor...." I didn't know his name.

"Just call me Justin."

Ok, Justin, Brooklyn kept saying her head hurt. What does that mean?" He just shook his head.

"That's probaly just because of the hit. Well this is all because he hit her, but that's just a normal side effect. Do you know what he did to get her mad?" He looked into my eyes. He looked way to young to be a doctor. Probaly like, 25.

"He..touched her."

"That's it?" he asked confused. I shook my head.

"Somewhere she didn't want to be touched."

"Ah. I see. Well we're gonna get you to do that blood work now." He stuck his heard out the door. "Catherine!" the chick from behind the desk came down the hall.

"Yeah?" She looked at me with eyes that said I WANT YOU.

"I need you to take Mr. Sting here to the blood work room."

"Ok. Follow me." I rolled my eyes and followed her down the hall.

"So. She your girlfriend?" she asked when we were in the room.

"Uh, yea."

'It'll pass. It's not like she's pretty." What the hell was this chick talking about? It'll pass. I'm gonna show what's gonna pass. My hand across your face. And of course Brooklyn wasn't pretty. She was beautiful!

"It's not just a crush." She looked at me.

"Oh yea? And how do you know?"

"Because we have a five year old daughter." Catherine looked at me, wide eyed. That's one of the good things about telling people about Anna. The faces they make.

"How old are you?"

"18." Her face looked disgusted now.

"That puts you at 13. I have a hard time believing that." I took out my wallet with the hand that wasn't being stuck by a needle. I opened it and showed her my favorite picture. It was Broklyn's birthday. Anna was smiling her butt of in the middle and me and Brooke were kissing her cheeks. Catherine looked surprised. I closed my wallet and put it back in my pocket. She took the needle out of my arm.

"Well you're done. I'll bring the blood to Justin." She walked out and so did I. When I got back into the room Brooklyn was up.

"Kaydin!" she whispered. I ran to her and gave her a big hug.

"Are you ok?" I asked. I pulled away and looked into her eyes. She nodded and smiled.

"Now are you gonna kill Donnie?" I laughed.

"Yea." I stood up and wiped her hair out her face. "I'll be right back I gotta go use the bathroom." I hadn't peed all day. I leaned down to kiss her. Her lips tasted like blood. I looked around for the doctor. He was in the hall talking to Catherine. I went to him and tapped his shoulder.

"What can I go for you Kaydin?" he asked.

"Can you get Brooke some water? She taste like blood." I wiped my mouth and smiled at Catherine's expression. She looked like I had just admitted to having sex with her. All I did was kiss her.

"Of course."

"Thanks. Oh and where's the bathroom?"

"In the lobby." I walked down the hall and back to the lobby. I got in there and to my right was the sign that said RESTROOMS.

"DADDY!!" I looked to my left and saw Anna running to me. I picked her up in my arms and hugged her tight.

"Hey Anna Banana." she pulled away from my hug.

"Daddy where is Mommy? Is she ok?"

"Mommy's in a room. She's gonna be ok. I'll take you to see her. But first I need to go potty." I put her down and she ran back to Helen. After I was done using the restroom I went back to Anna. I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I held on to her as we walked down the hall back to Brooklyn's room. When we got in there Anna ran to her.

"Mommy!" Brooke looked surprised to see her. Anna jumped and the bed by her and hugged her neck.

"Anna I'm so happy to see you baby." I smiled. The two people I loved most. Happy and together. That was my #1 wish.

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