=3= Just Like Prison

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I had walked around all day, enjoying the sights and getting out of the house and off of that island.

I walked down a medium sized alleyway as a short cut through the city so I didn't have to constantly weave myself through people. Halfway through, some hoodlums ended up blocking my path. I motioned for Luna to fly up and stay out of the way of what I knew would happen.

"Hey pretty girly. Hand over your money and no one gets hurt." The leader of the group of five said, holding out his hand as a medium sized flame appeared. Just great.

"No thanks. Why don't you try getting a job like everybody else?"

He smirked an evil one as they began to close in on me.

"How about we take your money, and your body by force, eh?" The leader suggested, causing his buddies to laugh maniacally. I still remained calm.

"Go ahead and try princess. Can't guarantee you'll make it out of this without a few bruises though."

He instantly lost his cool.

"That's it! Get her boys!" 

That very instant I did a handstand with my legs in a split, then twisted, hitting the closest two in the abdomen, sending them flying back into the brick wall beside them. The other three were firebenders. As they shot flames at me, I easily dodged, using the wall beside me as a spring board and getting closer without getting singed. Before the leader could attack me again I quickly blocked his chi, then used him as a shield against the remaining firebenders. I knocked the leader out with a simple pinch to the side of the neck, then jumped into the air and did a double spin kick to the blocke firebenders' faces, knocking them out. I turned to the remaining two, just in time to see them run off. 

"Psh. Losers. Seriously get a job." I muttered, then made my way out of the alleyway once Luna had returned to the top of my head.

Little did I know I had an audience far in the distance.


I decided to head back, when I saw my uncle at the docks.

"Oh.. Hey uncle Tenzin-"

"I though I told you not to go into the city? It's dangerous to be here alone!" He yelled, instantly annoying me.

"Look I get you were worried, but I can take care of myself! Besides it's not like I was missed or anything-"

"That's not the point! There are very dangerous people in this city and I don't want to have to deal with you getting hurt!"

"URG! I'm not a child! Just because I'm not a bender doesn't mean I can't handle myself! You know what I did a couple of minutes ago? Five men tried jumping me! Three being firebenders! And do you know what happened? I kicked their asses easily! I can take care of myself and honestly, this whole day has been filled with more excitement than the past two weeks put together! Everyone is too busy with their bending, their boyfriend, their love interests or their own stupid ordeals to even help me stay occupied! I can't stand it! I do nothing all day and I look forward to sleeping! Something I used to ignore to the fullest has become the highlight of my evening! Next thing you know I'll be 80 pounds heavier and want to do nothing but eat all the time!"

He sighed, giving me a pity filled, yet still stern look.

"I am sorry you feel that way. But until we get this city under control you are to stay on the island unless accompanied by me or Korra, do you understand?" 

His tone was aggravated and filled with authority.

"I understand, but doesn't mean I agree with it." I muttered angrily. He motioned for me to get onto his bison, but I shook my head; motioning for Luna to fly ahead. Without letting my uncle protest the matter, I dove into the water and began to swim back.

That night I refused to eat dinner, or even talk to most of them. I'd never been so reserved and frustrated my whole life!

"Uhg! This place is a prison!" I slightly yelled. Moments later I heard a knock on my door.

"What." I said with a sigh, thinking it was my uncle, come to rid me of any happiness I had left.

To my surprise, in came Korra.

"Hey I heard what happened. I was wondering if you'd like to come watch our pro bending tournament? The final match is tonight."

I sighed. 

"Sure, why not? But for the record I don't need extra attention or escorting."

"Yeah. Sure." She sounded unsure, but tried to hide it. 


Not sure where this story is headed lol

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