The lost angel b x b redone

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OK so my night and day was sucking so il starting over this one won't be as bad but it may start out slow so please don't be scared to comment and stuff and this well be a rated R later


Mike Jackson: 18, and a senior and he's very straight he's dating, Alice Boston. Despite his reputation on the football team, he has very emo tendencies. He's an only child with his mom Single and trying to provide all that she can for him.

Alice Boston: 17, and a sophomore and she's bi-sexual, but dating Mike Jackson. She's Jake Boston's older sister, and very emo scene and preppy depending on her mood.

Jake Boston: 16. He's a freshman and gay, he's Alice's little brother he's also a little single emo bout here

Mark michals: 19 mikes older brother and jakes best friends he's bi and a senior he's single and has a crush on Jake he's the emo bad boy of the school

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