Chapter 10

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The very next day,I was up. There I was,laying down and doing nothing other than rubbing my fat tummy. I hummed to myself and tried to find something to do,but I found myself get bored by the minute. I soon rolled over on Ash's side of the bed. It was very cold. That could only meant two things. 1, That Ash didn't return home from last night. 2, I had the whole bed to myself. I smiled softly before stretching out all over the bed. The cold sheets against my warms skin. I felt so relaxed and it felt SOOOOO GOOOOD. As I was enjoying the whole bed, I heard the kids yelling for me. I groaned. Me time is up. Grudgingly, I forced myself out of bed and went to the living room to see what the children wanted. As I got there, I didn't see them in the living room,so I headed towards the kitchen. I literally seen hell in the kitchen. Food was everywhere,Flour was on the ground, bits of food on the ceiling,and something sticky on the ground. I gasped as I looked around the kitchen. What made me even more mad was I see Iris,Aimi,and Brandon playing in the  flour on the ground. I clear my throat loudly,so that the kids could looked at me. They did just that. Their expression were like deers in headlight of a car. Iris said a bit scared"Uh oh...". I crossed my arms as I tapped my foot. The children knew they were in trouble when I gave them a serious look. I gritted my teeth and said"GET YOUR ASS UPSTAIRS AND GET MY BELT!". Aimi and Iris started to cry hard. They began to beg me to not whoop them. I looked at them pissed and said"If I go up the stairs and get it, it would be a whole lot worse.". Aimi and Iris both ran upstairs as I picked up Brandon. I set him in his baby seat as I waited for the girls to come back. Luckily,Brandon didn't have to get a whooping,but he would not be getting a cookie for today.  

The girls soon came back with a small,thin belt in Aimi's hand. Aimi handed to me the belt as she was sobbing hard. I gripped the belt hard in my hand and said"To the Living room.". I watched as the girls then turned around and headed towards the living room with me following them. There were loud screaming and crying going on in the living room with a loud repeated smacking sounds. After awhile, I began to clean up the huge mess in the kitchen as the kids were in their room,doing nothing. I told them they were not allowed to watch any cartoons until I told them that they could. Brandon was then put down for his nap. I sighed as I sweep and mopped the floor. I know that kids would be kids,but I taught them better than that. After all,This was not  my house,but it was Ash's house. After awhile of cleaning up, I headed towards the living room to relax.I deserved some TV time after the whole fiasco. I grabbed the remote to turn on the TV. I soon began to flip all of the channels. After awhile,I couldn't find anything that would catch my attention. As I went to turn the TV off, I saw the news on. There was a news on the wolves spotted in the forest. In our little town, there were no such thing as wolves. As the cameraman zooms on in the forest they managed to find a group of wolves running by. I widen my eyes as I recognized the wolves. 

It was Ryder and his gang of wolves.

I quivered as I watched them. Ryder was careless,but not this careless. Ryder and his wolf pack continued to be watched until they vanished from sight. That's when they turned the camera off to only see a black screen. I quickly turned off the TV and curled up. I knew that Ryder was looking for me and the children. I can't let this happen. Not to me and certainly not to the kids. I can't put them in harm's way. Not like the way that Ryder treated me. I need to find a way to protect my little pups from Ryder. I hummed as I thought about different ideas. At first, I thought about killing Ryder,but I quickly dismissed that thought. Even though he hurt me in  more ways than one,I can't bring myself to kill him. It was against my nature of things.Then I thought about the Wolf Council. They would help me against Ryder,but I would have to wait for Ash. He would have to be there to be an eyewitness. I smiled as I went towards the room I slept in before I ran over to the closet. I then pulled out a large duffel bag and set it on the large bed. I grabbed the clothes in the bag before putting in the duffel bag messily. I then ran into the kids' room,scaring both Iris and Aimi, and then went to the closet. I grabbed a armful of clothes and went back towards the room,only to throw them into the duffel bag.Iris watched me curiously as she seen me run back and forth. Aimi looked at me as well and said"Um, Mom,What are you doing? Where are we going?". I looked at them and said"Go get your jackets..We're heading on a little road trip...". Aimi nodded her head before getting Iris and dragging her towards the room. Aimi threw Iris her jacket before climbing on Brandon's crib. She slowly and carefully picked Brandon with ease.

She then got out of the crib holding a sleeping Brandon before coming over to me. I looked down and grabbed the sleeping infant from her. I set Brandon into his car seat before covering him up with a blanket. Humming,I grabbed one of Ash's jackets and put it on. It was a little larger on me,making me feel like a young child in an adults jacket. I look towards the girls to see them getting their shoes on quickly. I smiled as I carried Brandon over to the car before going back for the duffel bag and the Diaper bag. The girl ran up to the car and got inside as I locked the door to the house. As I headed towards the car,I began to pull out my phone and type up a message for Ash before sending off. I got into the car before starting it up. I looked at the kids and said panting a little"Everyone,buckled up?". Iris nodded her head as I heard a click. All three was buckled in. I smiled before I did the same. Slowly,I backed up out of the driveway and started to drive down the road. In the side mirror, I watched the house as it got smaller and smaller.

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