Chapter Two-The Plan at Dawn

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The darkness of the night sky, did anything but provide a sense of security.  As Hermione now walked down the path leading into the village of Hogsmeade, she found herself looking over her shoulder at every minuscule sound she heard.  Peering in the direction of the sound, she would conclude that nothing was there, and she had just imagined it. 

She continued with this cycle of paranoia, until she reached the village.  Her first priority in coming here, was to have a place to spend the night.  It was most obvious to ask for safety in the castle, however this would result in a greater number of people seeing her, and a greater story to explain her sudden appearance. 

She just had to bunker down until she came up with a plan to get the time turner from the bottom of the lake.  Afterall plans were her thing, and when given thorough time to orchestrate, helped immensely with the final goal.

She opened the three broomsticks door, sliding into the warm stuffy air.  Behind the bar was an old lady, in which Hermione didn't recognize, remembering madam Rosmerta had not yet owned the inn.  The bar stools were filled with drunks sure enough, as it was an untimely hour of night. 

Hermione made her way over to the bar, smiling faintly as the woman came over to her.  "How can I help you dear?"

"Umm....can I have a room please?"

"Sure, ten galleons."  The lady continued as Hermione extracted the coins from her bag, placing them on the bar.  "You will be in room seven, just up the stairs there."

"Seven. Got it." Hermione nodded, taking the rusty key. 

"Have a nice night. If there is anything you need, just ask." The lady said without thought.

Hermione trudged up the old stairs, finding her room.  She did a quick one over, and realized the tattered state.  Sure it was not Hogwarts, but it would do.

Within an hour of planning to the best of her ability, she got under the thin covers, fully cloathed, for she didn't have a change, and drifted asleep.

Within only a couple of hours, the alarm she had set on her side table, rang noisily, waking Hermione from her dreamless but useful slumber.

It took her awhile for the truth to set in.    The truth that her accidentally traveling back in time was indeed reality, and the whole thing was not a dream.  She wasn't in her four-poster bed in the Gryffindor dormitory's.  She was in a room at the three broomsticks, about to set in action her plan.  Her plan to get home. 

She gathered what few things she brought with her, left a tip on her bedside and then quickly left the inn.

It was early morning, and there was a slight chill in the air.  Dew wetted her boots as she troped across the grounds to the lake.  Based on the slight conversation she overheard in the pub on her way out, today was a Saturday.  Nobody in there right mind would be up this early on a Saturday!  With this she decided it was ok to proceed with her tactic to retrieve the time turner.

She stood at the edge of the lake, looking out at the water.  She raised her wand positive this would work. 

"Morning" a voice called from directly behind her.

She yelped in shock, realizing she was not alone. Of course she hadn't counted on those not in their right mind being up.

"Don't tell me you are going for another swim." Tom said, shifting his hands to sit in his jean pockets. 

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