"With what?"//Trames

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James wouldn't say his boyfriend was the best at dealing with emotions. It took a long time for him to get Tristan to realise that he liked James, and an even longer time for him to realise that he wanted to date James. He didn't kiss James until a month into their relationship. He wasn't comfortable cuddling with James until about two months in. They didn't do anything sexual until after a year of dating. It took two for Tristan to finally say 'I love you'. A lot of other people would have gotten fed up with the blond and left him, but James had been crushing on Tristan since the start of high school and when he finally got Tristan, he wasn't prepared to give the boy up that easily. So what if Tristan hadn't said the L word? He showed it in everything he did for James - his endless support when James played gigs at the local pub, having dinner ready when James came home late, making sure James didn't fizzle out whilst staying up 'til the early hours to finish his homework, etc. James honestly didn't think he would be able to get through university without the blond. And of course, James always supported him in return - soundproofing the walls so Tristan could practice the drums without pissing off the neighbours, bringing the blond food home from the bakery he passed on the way and oh, waking up at 3am to answer his phone calls.

"James, are you there?"

"Here." James croaked into the phone, wondering why his boyfriend had bothered to call him that late. His first guess was that drunk Tristan had decided he needed to phone his boyfriend to tell him that he loved him because James had crossed his mind, but Tristan sounded way too sober to be at that stage yet. It was odd; normally the blond was hammered when he went out clubbing with his best friend Brad.

"There's a girl sitting on the pavement." Tristan stated, getting straight to the point. James stayed silent for a few seconds, expecting his boyfriend to elaborate, until realising he was going to have to prompt the other boy into explaining what he meant.

"Why do I need to know that?"

"Because I don't know what to do." Said Tristan, confusing James further and making him wish his boyfriend was better at communication.

"What to do about what? What's wrong with her?" James asked, sitting up and rubbing his eye in an attempt to stay awake, a yawn following his question.

"She's crying, what do I do?" Ahhh, that's why he was calling at 3am. Tristan Evans was being faced with his toughest problem - emotions.

"Well she's probably crying for a reason. Go comfort her." James was slightly annoyed that Tristan had woken him at 3am for something as silly as this, but he had to remind himself that his boyfriend wasn't good at dealing with other people. It's not that Tristan didn't understand emotions - he could tell how people felt, he just didn't know how to deal with his own emotions half the time, let alone other people's. Honestly, James was not surprised that this conversation was happening.

"How do I do that?" Tristan whined, obviously frustrated in his tipsy state.

"Start... with hugs." Said James, yawning in the middle of his sentence, suggesting the first thing which came to mind.

"With what?" Questioned the boy on the end of the line, and James held his phone away from his ear and whispered 'oh dear God' before putting it back to his cheek.

"Hugs. Hug her. You know, when you wrap your arms around another person..."

"Oh, yeah, right. Thanks James, I'll call you in a bit."

"You really don't have to-" Before James could finish, the line cut off. With a groan, the sandy-haired boy let himself fall back on his bed, fighting with his eyelids to stay awake; there was no point in going to sleep if his boyfriend was going to call him again in five minutes. That's what James thought, anyway, until he woke up at 5:35am to a call from an unknown number. He picked it up, and a woman's voice came through the phone, telling him he was receiving a call from the metropolitan police and asking if he accepted the charges. He agreed, and the call was connected. "Hello?" James asked curiously into the phone, wondering who would be calling him from prison at 5:35am.

"James?" Tristan's timid voice replied.

"Tris? What the hell are you doing at a police station?" James sat up, concern rushing through him. Was his boyfriend okay? What had happened to him? Why hadn't he phoned back like he said he would?

"They said I could have a phone call after I'd given my statement."

"Statement about what?" Asked the sandy-haired boy, his stomach dropping at the words. What the hell had his boyfriend done?

"I tried that hugging thing, with the crying girl, and I think I did it wrong."

"Wrong?" James questioned, and was met with silence, so followed it up with another question "How do you mean 'wrong'?"

"She-shouted-about-rape-and-got-me-arrested." Said Tristan, so quickly that James almost didn't understand him.

"Oh my God."

"Can you come and bail me out please?" Tristan's small voice pleaded "I don't like it in here."

"Hang tight. I'll be there soon." James promised, swinging his legs out of his bed and searching for some clothes. If it were anybody else, James wasn't sure he would have agreed. But Tristan was his boyfriend, and they supported each other no matter what... Even if that meant bailing Tristan out of jail in the early hours because of his inability to deal with other people's emotions.


By the way, my updates for this won't be quick, it's just going to be when I feel like writing something random and stuff

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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