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In the darkest of nights

Where the moon shines silvery bright,

Sometimes I,

Though I did not desire,

Hear the barest of sounds

From the darkest of shadows

And the brightest of lights

I hear echoes of the past

Of wishes and wills

That never came true

I hear echoes of cries

Secrets and lies

That left my heart feeling a bit blue

Though, if one must listen carefully,

One would hear the songs

These sad ghosts sing

Telling of a wish to come home

Or the fear of walking

Singing or dancing in this world alone

With no one, nothing, no refuge to shelter on


- This is more like a free-form poem, really. I was listening to sad and emo-type songs (hey, don't judge!) and this just popped out. I was thinking of continuing it, but... yeah, I got lazy. =-= XD

- I know this does not make any sense.... but please bear with me. XD

- So.... tell me what you think! And vote if you liked. ^ ^

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